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Purpose Use numerical integration to determine whether a physical system involved in a collision obeys Newton’s Second Law.

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Presentation on theme: "Purpose Use numerical integration to determine whether a physical system involved in a collision obeys Newton’s Second Law."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purpose Use numerical integration to determine whether a physical system involved in a collision obeys Newton’s Second Law.

2 Newton’s Second Law ,where Net force acting on object

3 Newton’s Second Law, in case you didn’t recognize it
, if m = constant (dm/dt=0)

4 Impulse “Impulse” Change in momentum Impulse = Change in Momentum

5 The Basic Idea of this Lab
Measure momentum change using the photogate (vinitial before collision, and vfinal after collision) Numerically integrate the measurements from the force sensor during the collision. Compare

6 Setup for Elastic Collision
flat bumper photogate spring A bit of clay as a counter-weight bumper with needle eraser Force Sensor Glider Air Track

7 Elastic Collision – Measuring vinitial
Glider Force Sensor

8 Elastic Collision – Measuring the force during the collision
Glider Force Sensor

9 Elastic Collision – Measuring vfinal (going through the photogate in the other direction)
Force Sensor Glider

10 Setup for Inelastic Collision
photogate Modeling clay on hook (don’t use spring) Modeling clay Force Sensor Glider Air Track

11 Inelastic Collision – Measuring vinitial
Force Sensor Glider

12 Inelastic Collision – Measuring the force during the collision
Force Sensor Glider

13 Inelastic Collision : vfinal=0
Force Sensor Glider

14 The force-time diagram during the collision
After collision: Force = 0 (if tared properly) Before collision: Force = 0 (if tared properly)

15 The force-time diagram during the collision
Discrete measurements in certain time intervals get recorded also in a table in Capstone

16 Numerical Integration using the Table Data
time (in s) Force (in N) 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.12 0.13 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 before collision (f=0) Export these data to Excel. Integrate in Excel using the trapezoidal rule (see homework). after collision (f=0)

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