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Nutrients: their food sources and functions

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1 Nutrients: their food sources and functions

2 What are nutrients? Nutrients are organic and inorganic substances found in food that are required by the body in order to perform functions including: Energy production, Growth, repair and replacement of tissues Regulation of body processes.

3 The essential nutrients
Protein is required for growth and replacement of cells. Carbohydrates and lipids are needed for energy release, Vitamins and minerals are required to allow everyday body functions to occur. A daily intake of water is necessary for all these functions to operate effectively.

4 Macronutrients Molecules that are large in size and are nutrients required by the body in larger quantities. These include: Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids (fats) Water

5 Carbohydrates Nutrient functions – Provide the body with energy
Different types – Simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates and fibre Appropriate food sources – Fruits, veg, bread, rice, pasta

6 Proteins Nutrient functions – Growth, repair and maintenance of tissue
Regulates specific functions of the body Different types – Amino acids, complete proteins, incomplete proteins Appropriate food sources – Meat, eggs, milk, poultry

7 Lipids (fats) Nutrient Function- Source of energy Protect organs
Helps to regulate body temperature Helps to absorb and move nutrients around the body Hormone production Different types – Saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats monounsaturated fats and trans fats Appropriate food sources- Olive oil, avocado, nuts, butter, fish

8 Water Function- Aids digestion Carries nutrients and oxygen to cells
Helps eliminate waste through faeces and urine Regulates temperature Lubricates joints Sources- Water Juice Lots of fruit and veg

9 Micronutrients Are smaller in size and are only required by the body in small quantities. Examples include vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, vitamin c and phosphorus.

10 The importance of digestion
Digestion is important because it converts foods into their simplest forms, specifically glucose (from carbohydrate), amino acids (from protein) or fatty acids (from fats, also known as lipids). The broken down nutrients are then absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to each cell in the body.

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