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Tohono O’odham Elder Care Consortium Sustainability and Sustained Impact Report December 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Tohono O’odham Elder Care Consortium Sustainability and Sustained Impact Report December 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tohono O’odham Elder Care Consortium Sustainability and Sustained Impact Report December 2013

2 Sustainability and Sustained Impact  Sustainability: -Programs and services continue because they are valued and draw support and resources  Sustained Impact: -Those long-term effects that may or may not be dependent on the continuation of programs, services, efforts or collaborations

3  Accomplishments: Caregiver Certificate AOA Grant Resource Mapping for Improved Continuum of Care Shared Vision Increased Awareness of Elder Needs Enhanced Community Engagement Strategic Plan, Whitepaper, Focus Group Data, Needs Assessment, Mission/Vision New Capacities Created

4  Future Goals:  Outreach  Increased Staffing  Networking with Aging Experts  Trainings (e.g. Case Manager 101, ethical issues) New Capacities Created

5  Accomplishments: Career Development Enhanced Collaboration and Communication Contact List and Division Activities Sustaining Commitment to Elder Welfare DHHS Senior Services Expansion Plan Addressing IT Needs of Tribal Elders New Ways of Serving

6  Future Goals:  Resource Mapping and Coordination of Care  Information Technology  Strategic Planning and Policy Change  Community Outreach New Ways of Serving

7  Accomplishments: Investment of Staff Time by Agency Leadership Elders are Part of the Community Conversation Investment in Staff through Geriatric Nurse Leadership Academy Ongoing Caregiver Training Program ECC Strategic Plan Adopted under Nation’s Executive Administration Plan Creation of Adult Protective Services Policy Changes

8  Future Goals:  Workforce Development (assessment of health service providers needed)  Network Development (annual goals and increased funding)  Access to Care (technology, monthly clinic) Policy Changes

9 Questions?

10 Thank You!

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