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Section 1-5: Constructions SPI 32A: Identify properties of plane figures TPI 42A: Construct bisectors of angles and line segments Objective: Use a compass.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 1-5: Constructions SPI 32A: Identify properties of plane figures TPI 42A: Construct bisectors of angles and line segments Objective: Use a compass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 1-5: Constructions SPI 32A: Identify properties of plane figures TPI 42A: Construct bisectors of angles and line segments Objective: Use a compass and straight edge to construct and bisect congruent segments and angles

2 Perpendicular Lines  Two lines that intersect to form right angles. Perpendicular Bisector A line, segment, or ray that is perpendicular to the segment at its midpoint, thereby bisecting the segment into two congruent segments. 2 congruent segments midpoint

3 Angle Bisector Ray that divides an angle into two congruent coplanar angles. Its endpoint is the angle vertex Say… Ray or Segment bisects the angle

4 Straight Edge Ruler with no markings Compass Tool used to draw circles or arcs Next, you will learn to construct: 1. Congruent Segments 2. Congruent Angles 3. Perpendicular Bisectors 4. Angle Bisectors Tools used for Geometric Constructions

5 Construct Congruent Segments with Straight Edge and Compass Construct a segment congruent to a given segment. Given: AB Construct: CD so that CD  AB A B Step 1: Draw a ray with endpoint C C Step 2: Open a compass to the length AB Step 3: With the same compass setting, put the compass point on point C. Draw an arc that intersects the ray. Label the point of intersection D. CD  AB

6 Construct Congruent Angles using Straight Edge and Compass Given:  A Construct:  S so that  S   A Step 1: Draw a ray with endpoint S. Construct an angle congruent to a given angle. A S Step 2: With the compass point on point A, draw an arc that intersects the sides of  A. Label the points of intersection B and C. Step 3: With the same compass setting, put the compass point on point S. Draw an arc and label its point of intersection with the ray as R. Step 4: Open the compass to length BC. Keeping the same compass setting, put the compass point on R. Draw an arc to locate point T. Step 5: Draw ST.

7 Construct Perpendicular Bisector Construct the perpendicular bisector of a segment. Given: AB Construct: XY so that XY  AB at the midpoint M of AB A B Step 1: Put the compass of point A and draw a long arc as shown. Be sure the opening is greater than ½ AB. Step 2: With the same compass setting, put the compass point on point B and draw another long arc. Labe the points where the two arcs intersect as X and Y. Step 3: Draw XY. The point of intersection of AB and XY is M, the midpoint of AB. XY  AB at the midpoint of AB, so XY is the Perpendicular bisector of AB.

8 Construct Angle Bisector Construct the bisector of an angle Given:  A Construct: AX, the bisector of  A Step 1: Put the compass of vertex A. Draw an arc that intersects the sides of  A. Label the points of intersection B and C. Step 2: Put the compass point on point C and draw an arc. With the same compass setting, draw an arc using point B. Be sure the arcs intersect. Label the intersection as X. Step 3: Draw AX. AX is the bisector of  CAB.

9 Construction and Vocabulary Activity 1. Use your compass to draw a circle. 2. Locate three points A, B, and C on the circle. 3. Construct perpendicular bisectors of AB and BC. 4. Label the intersection of the two perpendicular bisectors as point O. 5. Make a conjecture about point O.


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