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Lesson objective The aim of this lesson is to use Star Trek Voyager to help you understand Christian beliefs about the importance of family life.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson objective The aim of this lesson is to use Star Trek Voyager to help you understand Christian beliefs about the importance of family life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson objective The aim of this lesson is to use Star Trek Voyager to help you understand Christian beliefs about the importance of family life.

2 Lesson outcomes GRADE C: will be able to explain why family life is important to Christians. GRADE B: will be able to express an opinion on what the Bible says about family life. GRADE A: will be able to explain other ways in which religion can help families.

3 Starter Watch the following clip from Star Trek Voyager. The doctor is a hologram and has created a holographic family. Note down, in rough, everything that is wrong about the family he has created.

4 Think – Pair – Share In pairs, look at the lists you have made. Make three suggestions as to ways in which the doctor could make his family more realistic.

5 Why is the family important to Christians? We are going to play a game called “The whole truth” You are going to be given two words – which make up half of the truth. You have to add other words to make the whole truth. Each truth helps to answer the question above.

6 Why is the family important to Christians? STABLE LOVE Children get LOVE from their parents and are brought up in a STABLE way.

7 Why is the family important to Christians? CARERESPECT Children should RESPECT their parents and parents should CARE for their children.

8 Why is the family important to Christians? EDUCATED CHURCH Children go to CHURCH with their family and are EDUCATED in the Christian faith.

9 Lesson outcomes GRADE C: will be able to explain why family life is important to Christians.

10 The Doctor’s family Watch the second clip. The doctor has tried to make his family more realistic. Do you think he has succeeded? What is the problem that he faces now? Timecode: 11:20 until 14:40

11 Christianity and the family We know that Christians believe that families are important. They also believe they can be hard work and that the Bible contains help and advice on making family life run better. Look at the Bible quotes on the sheet and complete the questions at the end of each section.

12 Lesson outcomes GRADE B: will be able to express an opinion on what the Bible says about family life.

13 How else can Christianity help families? In your book, set out your answers like this… 1.Example: How it helps: (There will be four examples) Look at the following pictures and identify what the example is and how it might help.

14 Example One At baptism we promise to bring our children up in a loving Christian family

15 Example Two At Sunday School we learn about how to get on with each other and follow Christian teachings on the family

16 Example Three At a church school children are educated in a Christian environment

17 Example Four We can all worship as a family at this family service and at Christmas or Easter

18 Con-soli-i-date!!!! Now attempt Q1 and Q2 on P30 of your Revision Workbook

19 Lesson outcomes GRADE A: will be able to explain other ways in which religion can help families.

20 Plenary If you had to write a set of guidelines for bringing up a child, to give to new parents, what would the three most important points be and why?

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