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Creating a Coaching Culture
Jane Loring Susan (Pradip) Griffiths PhD School of Psychology Tell them a bit about me... Introduce Pradip.. 5mins,
What we will cover … What is coaching?
“Mark”- a client’s perspective on being coached Ways of implementing coaching at work Basic skills required to enable you to coach at work A values exercise Ways forward Questions 2 minutes about 7 mins has gone
What is coaching? Personal or life coaching is a solution-focused, results-orientated systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of the coachee’s life experience and performance in various domains (as determined by the coachee), and fosters the self-directed learning and personal growth of the coachee. Workplace coaching is a solution-focused, results-orientated systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of work performance and the self-directed learning and personal growth of the coachee (Grant, 2001, p. 8). 3 mins – 10 minutes
Two types of Coaching Developmental: Want to be the best you can at what you do; want more out of life; change your world view. Goal oriented: Be better with money; get fit; learn how to communicate better; lose weight; Often clients I have had particularly at the executive level come with the idea that they just want to have conversations about what “they don’t know they don’t know”.Put up the Johari window, They are happy, doing a good job but want to know how can I do it better. Often they have conversations about meaning in life – this is quite particular to age groups. Some of you may know something about adult development theory already – who has heard of Freud – he was I suppose the father of adult development and personality development but one of the people nowAdd in stuff.Ask questions brain storm… 10 minutes = 20 minutes One of the ways that you can look at this aspect in your self is to write yourself a letter from the future. We are not able to predict our futures unfortunately but we can at least decide what important and what we would like to focus on . This can be very powerful and is a first step to coaching yourself.By writing a letter from your future self into the issues and achievements that are important to you. It can also help you work out what your values are.
Goal oriented coaching
SMART GOALS Specific, measurable, attractive, realistic, time framed Often when you start to look at yourself a bit you end up realising you have to set goals. Or you might already know that you need to do something about an aspect of your life and we probably already understand about how groups work and exercise buddies but I think if you have a coach – it is all about you – it is the difference in a fitness program between having a personal trainer and an exercise buddy. 23 minutes.
How can you create a coaching culture at work?
1) By setting up a formalised co-coaching program 2) By developing your interpersonal skills so that a work place culture of growth and support is fostered by ‘coaching’ colleagues ‘when appropriate’ I will talk about a co coaching program shortly but I will talk about a point 2 first. What is one of the biggest problems in the workplace, at home, with your friends- where do things go wrong. Pradip to pose question about when they experienced it… 35 minute mark COMMUNICATION. So if everyone decided in your team that you are going to develop your interpersonal skills you will find work will get much better and often you will find that you receive coaching and you are coaching on a daily basis. If people get heard well it is amazing what they actually work out for themselves
Where are you at now as a coach?
Of the following which do you do regularly? Give colleagues advice and relevant information Listen to others’ problems, to help and support them Explain to other people how to do something better Train others in new knowledge or skills Manage the work of others Give other people feedback or observations of their behaviour so that they can get better at something Conduct job appraisals, or assessments of people’s work performance 40 minutes
Listening Skills: The place to begin with interpersonal skills
What are effective listening skills?
A capacity to ‘hear’ others’ stories To be non-judgemental To be empathic To make time to hear and to ‘see’ others To treat others with respect To listen ‘actively’ Ask group to identify a ‘good’ listener from their own experiences
Active Listening Attending to the story Following and ‘tracking’
Asking appropriate questions - open - closed Accurate summarising
Active Listening helps us
Identify and understanding verbal and non-verbal messages Identify and understand others’ in the context of their lives Provide support
However, be aware of your non-verbal behaviour
It gives you away!!!
The micro-skills of attending (adapted from Egan, G
The micro-skills of attending (adapted from Egan, G., 1994, The skilled helper.) SOLER Model S. Face the client Squarely O. Adopt an Open position L. At times Lean forward E. Maintain good Eye contact R. Try to be relatively Relaxed Do ‘non-listening’ activity
The Art of Empathy Looking out of the same window as the other person
Builds the relationship Stimulates self exploration Provides support Enhances communication Focuses attention Restrains the helper What can I say that brings me closer to this person? (Miller, 2005) Quick activity – look at your partner and person A make one empathic statement to B and reverse
GROW MODEL GOALS (what do I want to achieve in this session)
REALITY (what has happened, what’s going on,) OPTIONS (what are the possibilities..) WRAP UP (what next..)
The Values Exercise Accomplishment, Success, Accountability, Accuracy, Adventure, All for one & one for all, Beauty, Calm, quietude, peace, Challenge, Change, Cleanliness, orderliness, Collaboration, Commitment, Communication, Community, Competence, Competition, Concern for others, Content over form, Continuous improvement, Cooperation, Coordination, love of Country (patriotism), Creativity, Customer satisfaction, Decisiveness, Delight of being, Joy, Democracy, Discipline, Discovery, Ease of Use, Efficiency, Equality, Excellence, Fairness, Faith, Family Family feeling, Flair, Freedom, Friendship, Fun, Global view, Good will, Goodness, Gratitude, Hard work, Harmony, Honesty, Honour, Independence, Inner peace, calm, Quietude, Innovation, Integrity, Justice, Knowledge, Leadership, Love, Romance, Loyalty, Maximum utilization, (of time, resources) Meaning, Merit, Money, Openness, Peace, Non-violence, Perfection (e.g. of details), Personal Growth, Pleasure, Positive attitude, Power, Practicality, Preservation, Privacy, Problem Solving, Progress, Prosperity, Wealth, Punctuality, Quality of work, Regularity, Resourcefulness, Respect for others, Responsiveness, Results-oriented, Rule of Law, Safety, Satisfying others, Security, Self-care, Self-reliance, Service (to others, society), Simplicity, Skill, Speed, Spirit in life (using), Stability, Standardization, Status, Strength, Systemization, Teamwork, Timeliness, Tolerance, Tradition, Tranquillity, Trust, Truth, Unity, Variety, Wisdom, Zaniness 20 minutes – 25 minutes – 5 minutes
Where to from here.. Formal co – coaching program
Informal coaching program
Questions …
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