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Workers’ Compensation Systems – International Experience Münchener Rück Munich Re Group Munich Re Group.

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1 Workers’ Compensation Systems – International Experience Münchener Rück Munich Re Group Munich Re Group

2 defined by law – accidents – diseases related to work Loss event provided through the employer’s liability insurance under special circumstances compensation for pain and suffering top ups, add ons defined by in- surance companies defined by law benefits in kind medical treatment, Medicaments, rehab., etc.) Benefits in cash One-off payment, Pensions 1. Definition of Workers’ Compensation Coverage Benefits Additional benefits

3 Organizational basis 2. Characterization of workplace compensation in European countries and USA France Germany Italy Spain Commuting Accidents Inclusion of occupational diseases Monopolistic/PublicMonopolistic/Public Belgium Denmark Finland Norway Portugal Inclusion of occupational diseases Commuting Accidents Competitive/PrivateCompetitive/Private USA

4 Predominantly WC benefits Dual benefits (WC+EL) –Germany –Italy –Belgium –Denmark –Finland –Norway –France “faute inexcusable” – Spain 1995 Law – UK Parallel by definition >EL USA: “Exclusive remedy” Organizational basis 2. Characterization of workplace compensation in European countries and USA

5 Premium level * except commuting accidents ** salaried employees/wage earners, excepting commuting accidents and occupational diseases *** except commuting accidents Source: Rating Systems An international comparison of workers’ compensation insurance. MunichRe 2003. 2. Characterization of workplace compensation in European countries and USA Different basis

6 Efficiency Prevention efficiency:development of fatal accident rates European health for all database –Differing definitions –Changes in national accounting systems –Efforts/failures to reduce underreporting –Differing population groups 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 19901991199219931994199519961997199819992000 France Germany Italy Spain United Kingdom Deaths due to work-related accidents/100,000 2. Characterization of workplace compensation in European countries and USA

7 European health for all database Insurability of occupational diseases 2. Characterization of workplace compensation in European countries and USA

8 “Traditional” e.g. metal poisoning, dermatitis, vibration diseases Long latency, multi-causality, diseases induced by new technology, mobile and flexible work force, leading to a difficult assignment of responsibilities of employers and insurers for occupational diseases claims Easy/clear attribution Complex attribution Insurable within a private/competitive setting Insurable within a private/competitive setting Central fund solution Central fund solution Insurability of occupational diseases 2. Characterization of workplace compensation in European countries and USA

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