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PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS (AKA – How Can I Help With This Schoolwork?!?) Counselor Coffee November 11, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS (AKA – How Can I Help With This Schoolwork?!?) Counselor Coffee November 11, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS (AKA – How Can I Help With This Schoolwork?!?) Counselor Coffee November 11, 2009

2 PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS Background Information Current Efforts at SAS Strategies to Use at Home

3 PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS Brain Development: Adolescence is a time of extensive brain development “pruning,” “rewiring,” “reorganizing” Periods of forgetfulness and even confusion “what happened to my child?” Be patient and supportive

4 PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS Cultural Influences and Somatic Factors: Different cultural views on homework and academics Different lives in different cultures Students may be facing diagnosed and disclosed learning challenges Students may be trying to cope with undisclosed learning challenges

5 PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS Time Demands and School Structure: Kids today are FAR “busier” than previous generations Many “time savers” can actually turn into “time wasters” Healthy amount of sleep –vs- overtired Sleep patterns and school start time Daily commuting time to and from school

6 PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS Modeling: Kids learn life skills through modeling “monkey see, monkey do….” and most of all they see YOU Unorganized parents often lead to unorganized kids Global approach to organizing life and daily tasks (resource links)

7 PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS Why Teach Organization Skills? Organization skills are important to academic success (67% of teachers responded “crucial” in a study by Kerr and Zigmond) Disorganization affects a student’s academics and self-concept and may lead to other issues Post-secondary life requires good organization skills in college, careers, and family life

8 PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS Principles of Teaching Organization Skills: 1 – Two categories: organizing supplies (physical) and organizing behaviors (mental) 2 – Don’t assume your kids know how organize 3 – Constant and consistent assessment is needed to reinforce organization skills 4 – Consistent expectations = more success 5 – Organization takes time to do well

9 PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS 6 – Children need positive support and reinforcement 7 – Patience, Patience, Patience 8 – The ultimate goals are improved school success and self-esteem 9 – School-home collaboration is key 10 – Practice what you preach

10 PARENT ORGANIZATION SKILLS Things to Keep in Mind: Intelligence and organization skills are not (necessarily) correlated Disorganization need not be pervasive to be a problem Change is not going to happen overnight and improvement may not be smooth – be patient and supportive of the process of changing negative behaviors into positive ones

11 So What’s Happening At SAS? Or this? This?

12 Organization Skills at SAS Advisor is one of a student’s teachers Grade 6 travels as a pod Organization and Study Skills are encouraged as part of the Advisory program Locker checks and clean ups Binder checks and Formative Assessments I-cal, homework and assignments posted Use of Agenda

13 Organization Skills at SAS Targeted Interventions: Gr. 6 Organization and Study Skills lessons HOT attendance Agenda checked by teachers Flex class placement HOT with Ms. Winpenny for Organization and Study Skills (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) Organization Skills “Boot Camp” HOT

14 Building Parent Organization Skills

15 Building Parent Skill Sets Be a good role model (monkey see….) Family calendar for organizing important dates and functions – write on it and encourage your kids to do so too Familiarize yourself with the agenda and monitor its use - coordinate with the family calendar to model planning for major events Use the teacher blogs

16 Building Parent Skill Sets Develop a weekly “nightly” schedule with your children – block out dinner time and bedtime in advance (“homework” is more than what’s due tomorrow) Have a quiet and public place for homework to be done (dining room table) Prepare school supplies in advance (and a snack!) Turn off TVs, cell phones, IM, etc (radio…)

17 Building Parent Skill Sets Timed work sessions (monitor completion) Check off items in agenda as they are completed Model “homework” behavior Establish a routine for arrival at home (book bag…?) Pack and check before bedtime “Homework” is not done until area is clean

18 Building Parent Skill Sets Avoid “last-minute mornings” Assign and monitor household chores Completion of chores and homework “earns” TV or computer game time Talk to your child Talk to your friends Talk to your child’s teachers Talk to your child’s counselor

19 Parent Organization Skills Resources: Child Development Institute: “Tips for Helping Kids and Teens…” The Time Manager: “How to Organize Articles” Zen Habits: “Top 20 Parent Hacks” optimization-and-happiness/ How To American School Counselor Association: “Organizational Skills Boot Camp”

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