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Background Based on Global Framework agreed in Kobe. Developed through regional and national consultations over two years. Includes lessons learned since.

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2 Background Based on Global Framework agreed in Kobe. Developed through regional and national consultations over two years. Includes lessons learned since first world conference in Yokohama in 1995. Endorsed by the Pacific Leaders in Madang in 2005. Partnership network developed to assist PICs to develop their own national action plans.b

3 Vision Safer, more resilient Pacific Island nations and communities, better prepared for to cope with disasters of all types Mission Building capacity of Pacific island communities by accelerating the implementation of disaster risk reduction and disaster management policies, planning and programmes to address current and emerging challenges through: a) development and strengthening of disaster risk reduction and disaster management, including mitigation, preparedness, response and relief/ recovery systems; b) integration of disaster risk reduction and disaster management into national sustainable development planning and decision-making processes at all levels; and c) strengthening partnerships between all stakeholders in disaster risk reduction and disaster management.

4 THEMES 1.Governance - Organisational, Institutional, Policy And Decision-making Frameworks 2.Knowledge, Information, Public Awareness and Education 3.Analysis and Evaluation of Hazards, Vulnerabilities and Elements at Risk 4.Planning for effective Preparedness, Response and Recovery 5.Effective, Integrated and People-Focused Early Warning Systems 6.Reducing Underlying Risk Factors

5 a)Disaster risk reduction and disaster management mainstreamed into national policies, planning processes at all levels and across all sectors. b)CROP agency partnerships and national government coordinated, harmonised and strengthened to ensure country and outcome-focused delivery of services. c)Better informed and more resilient communities d)Improved knowledge of social, economic and environmental impacts of disasters in Pacific island nations and communities. e)Disaster risk reduction and disaster management training programmes institutionalised f)Accredited and recognised qualifications in disaster risk reduction and disaster management Expected Outcomes by 2015

6 G)Robust, effective national and regional monitoring and early warning systems established and strengthened for all hazards incorporating traditional knowledge and appropriate technology and tools. H)Community, national and regional warning systems integrated into the global network supporting early warning and vice-versa to improve safety and security to disasters. I)Emergency communication systems established and operating effectively; J)Effective communication and awareness raising in place as part of these community-focused early warning systems. Expected Outcomes by 2015

7 Implementation & Follow up National Successful implementation of this framework, is dependent on: a) national governments adapting and owning this Framework through the mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction and disaster management practices into policies and programmes, and b) an effective mechanism to coordinate, through a participatory process, the development, implementation, monitoring and reporting of a strategic national action plan that reflects achievable short and medium-term priorities.

8 Implementation & Follow up Regional The SOPAC Secretariat, which has the mandate for the coordination of regional disaster risk reduction and disaster management, will: a) actively promote the Framework and seek the collaboration of key CROP agencies and other regional partners in its implementation; b) support member countries to develop and implement their strategic national action plans; d) coordinate the reporting on regional progress in implementing the Framework; e) advocate for resources to support the successful implementation of the Framework, and f) coordinate a process of review and reporting on the implementation of the Framework.

9 Regional Network Strategy Framework

10 PACIFIC DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP main objectives Provide regional support for the development and implementation of Strategic National Action Plans (SNAPs). Advocate for resources to support the successful implementation of the Framework Establish and sustain a network of regional assistance and development partners that work in the different fields of disaster risk reduction and disaster management. Reduce duplication of efforts and to ensure that assistance is built on the efforts and experiences of each other Monitor and evaluate national progress against the targets of these national action plans.

11 PACIFIC DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP Network Partners (Open Ended) South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC), Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS), Secretariat for the Pacific Regional Environment (SPREP), Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Office of the Coordination for the Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR),United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Asian Development Bank (ADB), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) / The Asia Foundation (TAF) / Office of United States Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific / Pacific Operations Centre (UNEPOC), Pacific Disaster Center (PDC), South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO), University of the South Pacific (USP), Fiji School of Medicine (FSM), Department of Meteorology-Fiji, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Australasian Fire Authorities Council (AFAC), Emergency Management Australia (EMA), New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (NZMCDEM), Ministry of Foreign Affairs- France, World Bank (WB), European Union Commission for the Pacific (EU), Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), New Zealand's International Aid & Development Agency (NZAID) and The Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific International.b

12 PACIFIC DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT NATIONAL ACTION PLANS Objective strengthening of sustainable development and security through: identification of priority areas of disaster risk reduction and disaster management that will strengthen the Prioritised Action Agenda (PAA) 2006- 2015; identification of priority actions to strengthen policies, plans and institutional arrangements for the mitigation and management of natural disasters and; development of a three-year national action plan, which can be implemented, with the support of the regional partnership network.

13 PACIFIC DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT NATIONAL ACTION PLANS Phase One – Initial Stakeholder Consultations: participative stakeholder workshop Assisting a Country Resource Team to develop an initial draft of a National Action Plan (representatives from prime Ministers Department, Economic Planning and the National Disaster Management Office). Phase Two – National Consultations and Consolidation of Draft National Action Plan: Providing technical assistance as required to further develop and consolidate the National Action Plan. Phase Three – Consideration and Decision by the Council of Ministers of the National Action Plan Assisting the National Reference Group (DOC) to prepare the final draft of the National Action Plan for forwarding to Council of Ministers for their consideration. Phase Four – Implementation of national action priorities



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