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Sales Management Marketing 3345 Charles A. Besio, Jr. Fall 2012 Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Sales Management Marketing 3345 Charles A. Besio, Jr. Fall 2012 Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sales Management Marketing 3345 Charles A. Besio, Jr. Fall 2012 Introduction

2 Sales Management The Marketing Mix: Product/Services Pricing Distribution Promotion

3 Sales Management Promotion Advertising Public Relations Sales Promotion Direct Marketing Personal Selling

4 Sales Management Personal Selling - Definition – Direct communications between paid representatives and prospects that lead to purchase orders, customer satisfaction and postsale service. Sales Management - Definition – The planning, implementing and control of personal contact programs designed to achieve the sales and profits of the firm.

5 Sales Management Sales Goals and Structure –Managers Need Good Data What Existing Clients Are Likely to Purchase Where in the Territories They are Located –Sales Organizations Need Structure How Many Levels of Management Span of Control

6 Sales Management Building a Sales Program –Hiring Sources of Recruiting Careful Screening –Training Company’s Products/Services Company Operating Procedures Selling Skills –Assigning Territories Optimize Effectiveness and Customer Service Minimize Costs

7 Sales Management Managing The Sales Force –Leadership Guide by Example Develop Rapport –Motivation Incentive Programs Recognition

8 Sales Management Managing The Sales Force –Compensation Money is a Prime Motivator for Sales People –Mix of Salary, Bonuses, Commissions, Expenses and Benefits –Evaluation Sales Data –Quantity Sold –Mix of Products Costs Impact on Profits

9 Sales Management Total Quality Management –W. Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, Kaoru Ishikawa - Fathers of TQM –The Philosophy Foster Continuous Improvement Do It Right The First Time Workers closest to the process usually have the best suggestions for improvement - involve them

10 Sales Management The Field Sales Manager –Job Skills Organizational Skills Leadership –Time Allocations Selling Administration Account Service/Coordination Travel/Waiting Internal Meeting

11 Sales Management The Field Sales Manager –Administration Management of Sales Office Training Budgeting, Expense Control Compensation Plans

12 Sales Management The Field Sales Manager –Account Service Coordination Internal Coordination of Customers’ Needs –Orders are processed –Goods & Services are Provided with Quality –Credit Arrangements Completed –Postsales Customer Satisfaction –Travel –Meetings

13 Sales Management Career Path –Level One Sales Trainee –Level TwoSalesperson –Level ThreeKey Account Salesperson –Level FourDistrict Sales Manager –Level FiveRegional Sales Manager –Level SixZone Sales Manager –Level SevenNational Sales Manager –Level EightV.P. of Marketing –Level NinePresident


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