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IB MYP Year 4 Physics.  The Centre of Mass [COM] is a point in which the entire mass of the object is concentrated.  If a FORCE acts on the COM of the.

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Presentation on theme: "IB MYP Year 4 Physics.  The Centre of Mass [COM] is a point in which the entire mass of the object is concentrated.  If a FORCE acts on the COM of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 IB MYP Year 4 Physics

2  The Centre of Mass [COM] is a point in which the entire mass of the object is concentrated.  If a FORCE acts on the COM of the object, it will more likely accelerate in the direction of the force. [Recall the Newton’s 2 nd Law of Motion]  If a force is applied on a point in the object other than the COM, the object will ROTATE/TURN about the COM itself.  If an object has a uniform density, the COM lies in the GEOMETRIC CENTRE of that object.  If an object’s density is not uniformly distributed, you would need to determine it by special methods.

3  The class will be divided into 4 groups.  Your Group Number will be your WORKSHEET NUMBER.  You have to ensure that the TASK assigned to you [through the worksheet] is done within 30 minutes.  SHARING of learning experiences shall follow after the activity. [You’ll be assessed by classmates on this]  Exit Pass [?]

4 We believe that the centre of mass of the system is at ____________________________. We say this for the reason that ____________________________________. Based from how we balanced the system, we can say that objects can be balanced when the centre of mass is placed ______________________________.

5 Based from the observations while doing the activities, we can say that people balance their body by placing the centre of mass _________________________. If the centre of mass is not above and within our feet, then we will __________________________________.

6 Compare the marks in the three activities you did. What do you call this point? ____________________________________. Based from the observations during the activities, we can say that object can be balanced by ________________________. The centre of mass of an object can be determined in many ways. Examples of which are ________________________.

7 Based from the result/experiences from the activities, we can say that people balance their body by placing the centre of mass ________________________________________________. If the centre of mass is not above and within our feet, then we will ________________________________________________.

8  We can think of the COM as the point where GRAVITY acts on any object. Thus, if the PIVOT POINT [or base] does not lie directly above or below it, there will be a TURNING EFFECT.  Methods to balance objects is simply locating the COM and support it with anything like our finger, fulcrum, etc..  We can also determine the COM using a PLUM BOB. The intersection of the lines [strings] is where the COM is.  You will not be able to balance yourself if your COM lies beyond the base [on your feet]. Same goes to any other object, i.e. they will be able to stand only if the COM lies BELOW or ABOVE and within the base.



11  Change  Transformation  Balanced  Centre of Mass  Stability  Gravity “Log-on to ManageBac TONIGHT for the next FC Video or read my latest post in our class WEBSITE.”

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