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NORTH CAROLINA: WAYS OF LIFE (PAGES 122-135). BACKGROUND INFO (QUICK FACTS FOR THOUGHT) In the 1700s, thousands of new immigrants moved to NC People from.

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2 BACKGROUND INFO (QUICK FACTS FOR THOUGHT) In the 1700s, thousands of new immigrants moved to NC People from other colonies (many of them brought slaved Africans with them), Scottish, Irish, German decent These immigrants overran and pushed Natives out Economy in NC in the 1700s: Tidewater: plantations and fishing Coastal Plains: plantations Piedmont: small farming and saw mills Mountains: timbering, mining, saw mills


4 DO! Copy down vocab words and definitions into your Social Studies notebooks (page 124) 13 vocab words total

5 DIFFERENT GROUPS OF PEOPLE IN NC COPY DOWN THIS CHART IN YOUR NOTEBOOK GroupImportant Details Highland-Scots Pennsylvania Dutch Gentry Enslaved Africans Native Americans

6 MAP READING/INTERPRETING 1. Study the map of NC on page 126 Answer questions 1 & 2 in complete sentences. 2. View the chart on page 129 (Number of People of African Descent in NC) Answer questions 1 & 2 in complete sentences.

7 SECTION 1 QUICK CHECK 1. Why did many immigrants travel to NC in the 1700s? 2. Why did the Scots-Irish develop a tradition of independence?


9 “GENTLEFOLK” (PAGES 130-131) Answer the following questions: 1. Who were gentry? What type of people were considered to be “gentry”. 2. Who were the most prominent members of gentry? Why do you think these people were the most prominent members of gentry? 3. Describe the life of a planter in the mid-1700s.

10 “A PEOPLE VERY LABORIOUS” (PAGE 131) Read the PRIMARY SOURCE excerpt and answer the following question: 1. How had life changes since the early years of settlement?

11 “FOLKS OF A LESSER SORT” (PAGE 132) 1. Below the gentry in social rank, the largest group in NC was made up of _______________________. 2. Members of the gentry often described these people as ______________________. 3. Describe who made up the so-called “folks of a lesser sort” and why were these people so important to NC? 4. Below the small farmers and tradesmen came ____________________________. 5. What is an indentured servant?

12 “BONDED FOR LIFE” 1. Who made up the bottom of the colonial society? 2. What is racism? 3. A small # of African Americans won ____________. 4. Like the governments of other colonies, the NC Assembly considered enslaved Africans to be ______________. 5. Which traditions and cultural values did enslaved Africans continue to keep?

13 “NC: A SOUTHERN SOCIETY” (PAGE 133) 1. Did North Carolina’s social structure resemble that of other Southern colonies or the New England colonies? Explain one reason that influenced this. 2. North Carolina developed ______________ more like her ______________ neighbors. 3. What was the main economy of the Tidewater? 4. What were the main cash crops of NC? 5. Slavery was not as important in NC as it was in other ____________ colonies. 6. North Carolina was colonized by ______________________, who were _____________, or members of England’s upper class. 7. The colonial government tried to create the same kind of ___________ society that still existed in __________. 8. Which colonial region placed the most emphasis on social classes? 9. Colonists in the New England and Middle colonies believed that the differences were the result of ________________ rather than __________.

14 SECTION 2 QUICK CHECK 1. What social divisions emerged in colonial NC? 2. In what ways was NC more like the other Southern colonies than like the Middle or New England colonies?

15 SECTION 3: THE PRODUCTS OF FARM, FIELD, AND FOREST (PAGE 134-135) 1. By the 1700s, what percent of North Carolinians earned their living through agriculture or some industry related to agriculture? 2. Where did NC farmers find a market to sell their crops? (HINT: 3 regions/places) 3. What were the main cash crops of NC?

16 “BUMPING ALONG THE ROADS” (PAGE 135) 1. Like other colonies, North Carolina suffered from a lack of good ______________________. 2. What were corduroy roads? 3. As the _____________ became more populated, so did the number of roads connecting _________ and _________ North Carolina. 4. The process of improving _____________ was slow in NC!!!!

17 SECTION 3 QUICK CHECK 1. What were the main cash crops of NC? 2. What was the main obstacle facing the colony’s farmers?

18 CHAPTER 7 QUICK CHECK 1. What role did the Great Wagon Road play in the settlement of NC? (pages 125-129) 2. How did most Scots-Irish make their living? (pages 125-129) 3. Why did NC have fewer slaves than other Southern colonies? (pages 125- 129)

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