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The Lexile Framework ® for Reading Overview and Uses.

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1 The Lexile Framework ® for Reading Overview and Uses

2 Lexiles ® are like inches…  A universal, accurate measurement system  Used to measure a student’s current “size” and growth over time  Not grade specific— students come in different sizes and grow at different rates

3 The Lexile Framework for Reading  An educational tool that links text and readers under a common metric—Lexiles  Characterizes reader with a measure and text with a measure  Allows educators to forecast the level of comprehension a reader is expected to experience with a particular test

4 The Lexile Framework  Typical range of readers within a classroom 10 th to 90 th percentile About 600 Lexiles  Lexile Framework provides a way for teachers to differentiate instruction for all students  Lexile measure helps educators determine the amount of scaffolding needed by each student for a successful reading experience

5 Lexile Comprehension Model Reader Ability – Text Readability = Comprehension “Targeted” Comprehension = 75% Independent Reading 600L (reader) – 600L (text) = 0 (75% forecasted comprehension) Educators can adjust forecasted comprehension by changing the text options given to a reader

6 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% -1000-750-500-2500250500750 Reader - Text (in Lexiles) Forecasted Comprehension Rate 75 Less Challenging More Challenging 50% 90% The “sweet spot“ for Reading

7 Limitations of Lexile Measures What Lexile text measures don’t address Text Characteristics  Age-appropriateness of Content  Text Support (pictures, pull- outs)  Text Quality (Is it a good book?) Reader Characteristics  Interest and Motivation  Background Knowledge  Reading Context and Purpose  Lexile text measures only measure text readability.  Therefore, input from readers, parents, teachers and librarians is necessary.

8 Lexile Book Database  Available free at  Reading within the Lexile Range provides challenge without frustration 50 Lexiles above Lexile measure 100 Lexiles below Lexile measure

9 Use the Lexile Book Database to:  Determine the Lexile measure of a book (using title, author, or ISBN#)  Find books related to a topic or theme in a targeted Lexile range through a Keyword Search


11 Using Lexiles in the Classroom Teachers can use the Lexile measure to:  Develop individualized or classroom reading lists tailored to different measures to provide appropriately challenging reading.  Enhance thematic teaching by building a bank of titles at varying levels that support the theme, but also allow all students to participate successfully in the theme with material at their own reading level.  Sequence materials by increasing the difficulty of read-aloud books throughout the year.

12 Using Lexiles in the Media Center Media Specialists/Librarians can use the Lexile measure to:  Label books with Lexile measures to help students find interesting books at their reading level.  Analyze book collections to more fully meet the needs of all students.  Use the Lexiles Book Database to support book selection and create booklists within a student's Lexile range to help educators guide student reading selections.

13 Using Lexiles in the Home Parents can use the Lexile measure to:  Locate additional reading materials within a child’s reading range to help ensure enjoyable reading experiences.  Celebrate a child’s reading accomplishments. The Lexile Framework provides an easy way for parents and readers to track and monitor growth.  Communicate with a child’s teachers and other educators.

14 Benefits of the Lexile Framework  Make test scores actionable by matching readers with text  Differentiate instruction across the curriculum  Provide more information from current assessments, not more testing  Measure student growth in reading on a common scale

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