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Anthropology.  Is the study of humans in their environment- creating a culture.

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Presentation on theme: "Anthropology.  Is the study of humans in their environment- creating a culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anthropology

2  Is the study of humans in their environment- creating a culture.

3 Culture  Is the entire way a society is organized and lives

4 Vocabulary  Enculturation- same as socialization, teaching members about one’s culture.  Ethnocentrism- belief that your culture is superior to another.  Acculturation- process of taking the traits of one culture and using them in your own.  Assimilation- to absorb into the culture or mores of a population or group

5 How cultures work  Material Culture- things a society makes and uses -Technology- Knowledge of how to make things.  Non- Material Culture - society’s ideas and values  Norms (folkways, mores and laws)  Taboo- behavior a culture disapproves of

6 Cultural Change  Invention- creating a new way of doing something.  Innovation- Improvement in technology  Cultural Diffusion- borrowing or spreading ways of doing something  Conquest/ War  Acculturation/ Assimilation

7 Language and Culture  Communication is necessary for the operation of any group. By definition, it is the process of making, keeping and changing relationships with others.

8 Language and Culture  Language- System of symbols used to communicate  Verbal- written and spoken symbols  Non-Verbal-without written or spoken symbols. Could include body movement or gestures.  Note- language is the product of a culture which is used. Culture is learned so language is the key element.

9 Language and Culture  Linguistics- study of the relationship of language to culture  Dialect- different ways of pronouncing words.

10 Language Changes with:  Subcultures  Technology  New terms/ words added or introduced  Diffusion

11 Stereotype  Viewing another based on your past experiences and that view is usually negative.

12 How to Analyze a culture  Holistic approach- approach that considers the whole or total of what is studied.  Analyze:  Institutions  Enculturation process  Social Stratification  Communication  Art

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