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Physics Unit 5 Waves – Light & Sound

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1 Physics Unit 5 Waves – Light & Sound

2 Wave A rhythmic disturbance that transfers energy through matter and/or a vacuum Material a wave travels through is called the medium 2 types of waves: 1. Transverse 2. Compressional (Longitudinal)

3 Transverse Matter in the wave moves at right angles to the direction of the wave front Wavelength (λ) Crest amplitude mid line (resting position) Trough Examples: gamma radiation, x-ray, UV, visible light, infrared, microwave, radio, TV, water

4 Compressional (Longitudinal)
Matter moves in the same direction as (along with) the wave front compression λ rarefaction Example: sound

5 Transverse & Compressional
Amplitude (A) -determined by amount of energy Wavelength (λ) -determined by the wave frequency Frequency (f) -number of waves per second -measured in hertz (Hz)

6 Transverse & Compressional
Velocity (v) v = λf -varies based on temperature, what it is traveling thru -stays the same in a given medium velocity of light (all transverse waves) - 300,000,000 m/s velocity of sound (longitudinal waves) -330 m/s

7 Frequency Comparisons
Transverse Longitudinal High frequency High frequency -High pitch -purple light Low frequency low frequency -red light -low pitch

8 Amplitude Comparisons
Transverse Longitudinal High amplitude High amplitude -loud -bright light Low amplitude low amplitude -dim light -quiet

9 Transverse vs. Longitudinal

10 Check up Which has a longer λ? -A Which has higher frequency? -B
Which has higher amplitude? -both same

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