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Tomasz Szelagowski General Director Federation of Polish Patients The role of patients and patients' organisations in the facilitation of necessary changes.

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Presentation on theme: "Tomasz Szelagowski General Director Federation of Polish Patients The role of patients and patients' organisations in the facilitation of necessary changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tomasz Szelagowski General Director Federation of Polish Patients The role of patients and patients' organisations in the facilitation of necessary changes in current healthcare delivery systems in Europe November 10, 2012. Malta.

2 Patients voice Independent, non-governmental umbrella organization VISION: High-quality, patient-centered, equitable healthcare for all patients MISSION: To provide a strong and united patients voice –> patients at the centre of EU health policy & programs

3 Strategic goals Equal access to healthcare Patients involvement Patients' perspective Sustainable patient organisations Patient unity

4 Meaningful involvement Build capacity Strengthen our policy impact Develop the patients evidence-base Extend our membership Build powerful communications and partnerships Diversify the funding base

5 Lack of equal and timely access to treatment per se Limited and unequal access to modern treatment Increased patients financial burden (co-payments) Restricted access to relevant information Lack of life-long range of services and support for patients with chronic diseases Lack of thorough information on the possibilities for treatment abroad Common concerns

6 Building the PatientPartner Network for CCM

7 Since then… in Poland White Summit 2008 HealthCare System Reform Around country seminars 2007; 2009 Pilot projects 2011 Joint action on Public Health Act 2011/2012 FPP position in White Paper on AHA 2012 Advances on the empowerment model and health literacy

8 Health Literacy in summary University Collage Dublin 2011

9 Since then… in Europe Substantive EPF Position - Transparency Directive Major Conference in Sofia, September 2012 – Health Inequalities in the New MS and the Candidate Countries The European Patient Academy on Therapeutic Innovation, EUPATI Patient Involvement in HTA – EPF studies Advances on the empowerment model and health literacy

10 Patients voice

11 Governance perspective Creation of multistakeholder hybrid organisations and initiatives New multilateralism Todays minister of health has a dual responsibility: to promote his or her countrys health and… to advance the health interests of the European and global community. prof. dr. Ilona Kickbusch …at EHFG/WHS

12 Better recognition of the potential of patients organizations (PO) Joint projects with PO to be set-up Open communication among all stakeholders Design - Implement - Manage TOGETHER Building the PatientPartner Network for Quality and Safety

13 Visit us at:

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