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Module 8 : Tourism B: Tech Mechanical Engineering Cape Peninsula University of Technology 22 May 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 8 : Tourism B: Tech Mechanical Engineering Cape Peninsula University of Technology 22 May 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 8 : Tourism B: Tech Mechanical Engineering Cape Peninsula University of Technology 22 May 2006

2 Overview What is tourism? The tourism system The tourism policy environment Responsible tourism

3 What is tourism? WTO definition of tourism: “The activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes.”

4 International tourism growth Source: SA Tourism

5 Economic value of tourism Source: SA Tourism

6 What is tourism? WTO definition of tourism: “The activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes.”

7 Tourist- generating area Tourists Market/ Demand The tourism market

8 International tourism to South Africa The tourism system Source: SA Tourism

9 Top 20 tourism source markets Source: SA Tourism

10 Domestic tourism Source: SA Tourism

11 International vs domestic tourism Source: SA Tourism

12 What is tourism? WTO definition of tourism: “The activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes.”

13 Purpose of travel Source: SA Tourism

14 What is tourism? WTO definition of tourism: “The activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes.”

15 Tourist- generating area Tourists Market/ Demand The transport component Transport: Air, Road, Rail, Water ROUTE Transport sector Transport to & from destination

16 What is tourism? WTO definition of tourism: “The activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes.”

17 ROUTE Tourist- generating area Tourists Market/ Demand Tourist-receiving area Destination Attractions Hospitality facilities Supply/product Transport within destination Infrastructure Tourism & travel services Transport to & from destination The tourism destination

18 Ground handlers Financial services Information services Tourist- generating area Market/ Demand Tourists Travel and tourism services Un-paid and commercial tourist accommodation Transport: Air, Road, Rail, Water ROUTE Air, Road Rail, Water Natural Cultural Man-made Food & beverage establishments Hospitality sector Transport sector Transport to & from destination Destination Attractions Hospitality facilities Supply/product Transport within destination Infrastructure Tourism & travel services Tourist-receiving area Tourism distribution Destination The tourism destination (detail)

19 Domestic destinations and source markets Source: SA Tourism

20 Intra- vs. inter-regional travel Source: SA Tourism

21 Travel agents Outbound tour operators Financial services Information services Ground handlers Financial services Information services Tourist- generating area Market/ Demand Tourists Travel and tourism services Un-paid and commercial tourist accommodation Transport: Air, Road, Rail, Water ROUTE Air, Road Rail, Water Natural Cultural Man-made Food & beverage establishments Hospitality sector Transport sector Transport to & from destination Destination Attractions Hospitality facilities Supply/product Transport within destination Infrastructure Tourism & travel services Tourist-receiving area Tourism distribution Destination The marketing component

22 Travel agents Outbound tour operators Financial services Information services Ground handlers Financial services Information services Tourist- generating area Market/ Demand Tourists Travel and tourism services Un-paid and commercial tourist accommodation Transport: Air, Road, Rail, Water ROUTE Air, Road Rail, Water Natural Cultural Man-made Food & beverage establishments Hospitality sector Transport sector Transport to & from destination Destination Attractions Hospitality facilities Supply/product Transport within destination Infrastructure Tourism & travel services Tourist-receiving area Tourism distribution Destination The Tourism System SOCIAL TECHNOLOGICAL POLITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMIC LEGAL

23 Key issues and challenges Impacts of tourism – environmental, social and cultural Ownership and transformation of the tourism sector Lack of flow-through of economic benefits

24 1996 White Paper on Tourism establishes Guiding Principles –tourism will be private sector driven –government will provide the enabling framework –effective community involvement –cooperation and close partnerships among stakeholders –support the economic, social and environmental goals & policies of the government identifies “Responsible Tourism” as the desired form of tourism for South Africa specifies roles for national, provincial and local government specifies roles for private sector and communities Enabling policy framework

25 What is responsible tourism –It is about providing more rewarding holiday experiences for guests whilst enabling local communities to enjoy a better quality of life and conserving the natural environment. –It is everybody’s responsibility!

26 Responsible tourism - Policy guidelines DEAT 2001 National Generic Guidelines for Responsible Tourism DEAT 2002 endorsed as national sector guidelines to be used in IDPs DEAT 2003 Responsible Tourism Handbook – focused on the private sector

27 Responsible Tourism Guidelines Environmental Objectives Social objectivesEconomic objectives Assess environmental impacts as a prerequisite to developing tourism Use local resources sustainably, avoid waste and over-consumption Maintain and encourage natural diversity Involve the local community in planning and decision-making Assess social impacts as a prerequisite to developing tourism Maintain and encourage social and cultural diversity Be sensitive to the host culture Assess economic impacts as a pre- requisite to developing tourism Maximising local economic benefits – increasing linkages and reducing leakages Ensure communities are involved in and benefit from tourism Access to markets & fair and representative product development Equitable Business

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