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THE RISE OF ABSOLUTISM IN FRANCE “L’etat, c’est moi (I am the state)” –Louis XIV.

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Presentation on theme: "THE RISE OF ABSOLUTISM IN FRANCE “L’etat, c’est moi (I am the state)” –Louis XIV."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE RISE OF ABSOLUTISM IN FRANCE “L’etat, c’est moi (I am the state)” –Louis XIV

2 THE RISE OF ABSOLUTISM IN FRANCE Louis XIII Cardinal Richelieu Louis XIII died in 1643 Cardinal Richelieu died in 1642 Louis XIV crowned in 1643 reduced power of nobility restricted local authorities Richelieu’s spies uncovered series of planned revolts Punishments were severe, including death for treason wanted to reduce power of Huguenots, strengthen monarchy Punished Nobles

3 THE RISE OF ABSOLUTISM IN FRANCE Can you compare these tactics to other Absolute rulers?

4 BUILDING ABSOLUTISM Young Louis XIV Cardinal Mazarin Louis XIV becomes king at young age, with mother as regent Cardinal Mazarin, chief minister after Richelieu, provided advice Louis raised to be king, taught skills needed from childhood Rise of the Sun King Young king supremely confident in ability to rule When Mazarin died, 18-year-old Louis declared he would run government himself – takes reigns of government in 1661 “I am the state,” he declared Confident in Ability to Rule

5 RULE OF LOUIS XIV Absolute Monarchy Louis XIV retained absolute power – Declared Divine Right Rule Began tradition of absolute monarchy to last more than century Demanded to be in charge of all military, political, economic initiatives

6 RULE OF LOUIS XIV Versailles Central Government Drew power to himself, deprived nobles of influence Built palace outside Paris at Versailles; demanded nobles visit and live there Nobles gained prestige being servants at Versailles court, not by fighting Additionally, Louis urged nobles to develop expensive new habits of dressing, dining, and gambling As nobles grew poorer, had to depend on king’s generosity just to survive

7 RULE OF LOUIS XIV Versailles Versailles was a grand spectacle of kingly power Louis XIV’s style, ceremony emphasized political strength Practically every moment of king’s day required rituals by bowing courtiers –Eating, dressing, walking in garden, all required a ritual –Louis always knew who had given what he considered proper attention

8 RULE OF LOUIS XIV Louis XIV chose the sun as his personal symbol, implying that the world revolved around him. He thus became known as the Sun King. He was God’s representative on Earth!

9 RULE OF LOUIS XIV Religious unification Louis smashed power of Huguenots Edict of Nantes had protected Huguenots since reign of Henry IV Even Richelieu had not be able to eliminate that protection 1685, Louis revoked Edict of Nantes, outlawed Protestantism in France Over 200,000 Huguenots fled—prosperous merchants, artisans Loss of their skills, wealth helped cause financial crisis “One king, one law, one faith”

10 RULE OF LOUIS XIV Louis’ finances always a concern Grand lifestyle cost great deal of money Limited imports, increased exports Mercantilist System Money and the Military Louis needed cash to build up military, expand French territory Enlarged army to more than 200,000 disciplined soldiers Spent money on good equipment Was most powerful ruler in Europe, taking France to war four times Most Powerful Ruler

11 ABSOLUTISM IN FRANCE  Dependant on many advisors & bureaucrats  Many old privileges & customs continued to exist  Estates General – Representative law making body – had to be called to meet by the King Pinnacle of power, wealth, prestige Overseas exploration & expansion – New World, Africa, SE Asia Cultural & intellectual leader – Art, Fashion, Cuisine, Philosophy

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