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Cyber Bullying By: Brielle Martin.. Amount of text messages sent per month by age. Data courtesy of Nielson. Taken in 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Cyber Bullying By: Brielle Martin.. Amount of text messages sent per month by age. Data courtesy of Nielson. Taken in 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyber Bullying By: Brielle Martin.

2 Amount of text messages sent per month by age. Data courtesy of Nielson. Taken in 2011.

3 According to the data, people ages 13-17 send the most amount of texts, more than likely because they are the most connected. And around 90% of teens are connected to the internet. Some people believe that teens are more connected than they need to be. And that it consumes too much of their life. They believe as well, that the internet may be too dangerous for teens, and that cyber bullying is too much of a problem for teens to be dealing with.

4 CYBER BULLYING  A large hazard to teens on the internet is cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is when you torment and be extremely rude, mean, or harsh to another person over the internet. Many teens bully just for the fun of it, or to hurt someone. Teens as well don’t realize the pain that the victims of cyber bullying go through, so they continue to torment. Whether or not they realize how much it hurts people, cyber bullying is wrong.

5 A lot of cyber bullying occurs through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine,, and more. -42% of teenagers with internet access report being cyber bullied over the past year. -7.5 million Facebook users are under 13 years old. -81% of teens say that bullying online is easier to get away with. -3 million kids per month are absent from school due to bullying. -20% of kids that are cyber bullied think about suicide. And 1 in 10 attempt it. -4,500 kids commit suicide each year. -Suicide is the No. 3 killer of teens in the US. (Car accidents #1, Homicide #2) The technology is not the problem here, the immaturity of the user is. If you are too immature to not be able to bully, harrass, and tease someone over the internet, just to make yourself feel better. Then don’t. It’s as simple as that. Cyber bukkying is killing teens and if the death of someone that you caused makes you feel better about yourself. Then you need some help.


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