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Flipping the Classroom Using Technology to Humanize Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Flipping the Classroom Using Technology to Humanize Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flipping the Classroom Using Technology to Humanize Teaching.

2 Flipping the Classroom What is it? Why should I do it? What do I need to do it? Where can I get more information?

3 What is it? Delivering basic information outside of the classroom through technology. Pre-recorded lectures linked from wikisites that students can watch to gather new information. Assess student mastery outside of the classroom through technology. Castle Learning assessments to measure student achievement.

4 Why should I do it? Humanizing your classroom Greater degree of interaction (student to teacher and student to student) Ability to observe and address issues more directly and immediately Built in differentiation Students watch lectures and take notes at own pace. Assessments are available when students are ready. More time to have fun Greater opportunity to create engaging activities during class time No more “Sage on Stage”

5 What do I need to do it? CMS Wiki site MS Office w/ PowerPoint Screen Recording software Ex. Camtasia or Jing Wacom Bambo tablet

6 Where can I get more information? ml ml Khan Acadamy flipped-classroom-is-radically-transforming- learning-536.php flipped-classroom-is-radically-transforming- learning-536.php Science teachers Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams

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