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(C) 2013 Logrus International Practical Visualization of ITS 2.0 Categories for Real World Localization Process Part of the Multilingual Web-LT Program.

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Presentation on theme: "(C) 2013 Logrus International Practical Visualization of ITS 2.0 Categories for Real World Localization Process Part of the Multilingual Web-LT Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 (C) 2013 Logrus International Practical Visualization of ITS 2.0 Categories for Real World Localization Process Part of the Multilingual Web-LT Program

2 (C) 2013 Logrus International WHAT IS ITS AND WHY IT’S SO IMPORTANT  The Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) is a set of attributes and elements designed to provide internationalization and localization support in XML and HTML documents. It also defines implementations of these conceptsInternationalization Tag Set (ITS)  XML developers can use this namespace to integrate internationalization features directly into their own XML schemas and documents  The set is currently almost ready/frozen  We believe that this is a one of the key standards for localization industry  The set includes a number of categories of crucial importance to translators:  Terminology note and Localization Note metadata  Translate (yes/no) metadata to mark non-translatable text  ITS metadata make it possible to include various instructions for translators into documents, add terminology and comments, and mark non-translatable segments  Will reduce inconsistency in adding translation instructions to documents  Provides a universal interface for transferring translation metadata between tools

3 (C) 2013 Logrus International WHY ARE WE DOING THIS: DETAILS  To make it possible to comment translatable content irrespective of its nature  To make these instructions easily accessible to translators and editors  Including recommendations, instructions, terminology suggestions  Independent from translation tools  Saving time: The text is already marked with context information  One doesn’t have to think whether smth. NEEDS TO BE TRANSLATED or not  One doesn’t have to think whether smth. IS A TERM or not  Key advantages/improvements:  Time (i.e. cost)  Quality (fewer translation errors)  Also very important for machine translation applications (post-editing in context)

4 (C) 2013 Logrus International WHY ARE WE DOING THIS: WORKFLOW PARADIGM CHANGE  FROM:  Bulk manual translation of “raw” content or post-editing “raw” machine-translation output  When external terminology glossaries, localization instructions and reference data are matched with content in indirect manner mostly in translator’s brain on-the-fly and to the extent of his/her understanding of these instructions and personal skills  TO:  Using natural language processing (NLP) tools and ITS metadata markup to pre- populate content to be translated or post-edited with context-related information  When external terminology glossaries, localization instructions and reference data are matched with content directly through automated process of preliminary linguistic analysis  Pre-processing is controlled by dedicated qualified linguists/terminologists/editors  PROVIDED THAT:  Glossaries, instructions and reference data are converted into format compatible with NLP tools and ITS markup  And corresponding content searching algorithms are created (including fuzzy algorithms)

5 (C) 2013 Logrus International WHAT IS BEING DEVELOPED  ITS 2.0 implementation project, a part of the Multilingual Web-LT program funded by EU  Developing the ITS Browser Plugin as a building block of future “Work In Context System” (WICS)  Making it possible to view standard ITS (Internationalization Tag Set) translation- related metadata contained in XML, XLIFF, or HTML files  Can be done in parallel with translating using CAT tools or for reviewing materials  The JavaScript plugin would support most popular browsers  For previewing XML or XLIFF, standalone filters for conversion into HTML will be used  Implementation:  Standard-based preview solution: HTML5, Java Script, Web browser  A script located in the same folder as HTML files  The script is started by the browser automatically  It is expected that both scripts and filters will be publicly available

6 (C) 2013 Logrus International THE PROJECT IDEA  ITS metadata-enriched XML or XLIFF files: what’s inside?  Previewing ITS metadata in Web browser while translating content in any CAT tool  Standard-based preview solution: HTML5, Java Script, Web browser  Next step: ITS metadata as a carrier for localization instructions and any reference data

7 (C) 2013 Logrus International THE WORK BREAKDOWN: PROJECT COMPONENTS  Visual designs  Java scripts to render and navigate metadata and content  Rich sample files  Content format conversion algorithms:  XML+ITS -> HTML5+ITS*  XLIFF+ITS -> HTML5+ITS*  XML+ITS -> XLIFF+ITS (just an example)  HTML+ITS -> HTML5+ITS* * For the purposes of visualization, some redundant ITS syntax options for HTML are not supported.

8 (C) 2013 Logrus International THE PROJECT CORE: VISUAL DESIGNS  Screen space limitations in localization process:

9 (C) 2013 Logrus International THE PROJECT CORE: VISUAL DESIGNS (CONT.)  Collapsed view of metadata

10 (C) 2013 Logrus International THE PROJECT CORE: VISUAL DESIGNS (CONT.)  Expanded view of metadata

11 (C) 2013 Logrus International THE PROJECT CORE : VISUAL DESIGNS (CONT.)  Summary view of metadata

12 (C) 2013 Logrus International THE PROJECT CORE: VISUAL DESIGNS (CONT.)  Color highlighting to indicate metadata linked to content

13 (C) 2013 Logrus International THE PROJECT CORE: VISUAL DESIGNS (CONT.)  Visual “tags” to indicate metadata linked to content

14 (C) 2013 Logrus International THE PROJECT CORE: VISUAL DESIGNS (CONT.)  Visual tags to highlight metadata (example)

15 (C) 2013 Logrus International DEVELOPMENT STATUS  Sample files: to be completed by end of May  File conversion algorithms: to be completed by Sep 30:  XML+ITS -> XLIFF+ITS (July) (sample)  XML+ITS -> HTML5+ITS (August)  HTML+ITS -> HTML5+ITS (August)  XLIFF+ITS -> HTML5+ITS (September)  Visualization scripts: to be completed by end of June

16 (C) 2013 Logrus International KNOWN ISSUES: FORMAT CONVERSIONS  “Translation” of XPath expressions from source XML to target HTML  XLIFF: MRK element to be used instead of SPAN  Selection between SPAN and DIV elements in output HTML  Merging external ITS rule files into internal list of rules

17 (C) 2013 Logrus International KNOWN ISSUES: METADATA VISUALIZATION  Parsing local standoff markup along with other rules  Parsing list of merged ITS rules  Hyperlinks embedded in metadata  Static definitions like “Do not translate” for Translate category  Highlighting active ITS item  Displaying summary of all ITS items  Parsing nested ITS metadata  Differences in Java Script implementation between browsers  Navigation through content and ITS items  Fragmentation of content to avoid large pieces of text to be displayed

18 (C) 2013 Logrus International LIVE DEMO The demo samples are built on the preliminary versions of visual designs and illustrate just a few ITS data categories:  Localization Note  Terminology  Translate

19 (C) 2013 Logrus International THANK YOU! Questions?

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