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Overview of OPGS’ Services “Responsive Government Promoting Partnerships for a Better DC” Washington, DC Economic Partnership Presentation Thursday, May.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of OPGS’ Services “Responsive Government Promoting Partnerships for a Better DC” Washington, DC Economic Partnership Presentation Thursday, May."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of OPGS’ Services “Responsive Government Promoting Partnerships for a Better DC” Washington, DC Economic Partnership Presentation Thursday, May 12, 2011

2 Mission To enhance the capacity of District government agencies, community and faith-based organizations, nonprofits, certified business enterprises, and small – medium size businesses to identify, apply, and secure resources that advance the Mayor’s top public policy priorities – education reform, financial stability, job creation, and public safety

3 Three Core Functions  Grant and Resource Development Support  Executive Leadership and Organizational Development Training and Technical Assistance  Collaboration and Partnership Building Best Practices

4  Grant Development  Weekly Funding Alert  Grant Information Resource Center (GIRC)  Capacity Building Training & Technical Assistance  Nonprofit Service Providers  Small and Medium Size Businesses  Mayor’s Office of Community Affairs & other District Government Agencies

5 Funding Alert Weekly online publication with District, Federal, & Foundation competitive grant opportunities + resource announcements Posted on DSLBD’s website see Nonprofit Assistance link trict/Nonprofit+Assistance/Grant+Funding+Alerts trict/Nonprofit+Assistance/Grant+Funding+Alerts Sample of Current Grant Funding Opportunities DCDHS – Teen Pregnancy Prevention (June 6) USDOS – Reception and Placement Program (July 5) Mary Kay Foundation – Domestic Violence Shelter Program (June 30)

6 Grants Information Resource Center (GIRC) OPGS staff support + Four computer stations with access to grant funding subscription & other services Foundation Center Grant Postings – GrantsDirect Grantmakers Listings – Grant Station International Insiders – Guide Star Nonprofit Form 990s – Federal Competitive Grant Announcements – Grants Development

7 Nonprofit, Community and Faith-Based Organizations Strengthening Communities Grant Fund (ARRA) Enhance management and organizational capacity of 20 providers in the continuum of job readiness, placement, & retentions services Develop and implement series of Capacity Action Plans for all participants Small and Medium Sized Businesses Enhanced Business Information Center (eBIC) Cross training curriculum for DC nonprofit and for-profit organizations Publish grant and procurement funding opportunities District Government & EOM/MOCA Grant Development Training to District Employees Grant Proposal Writing and Collaboration Practices Capacity Building Training & Technical Assistance

8 Goal – to identify opportunities to leverage resources that foster more effective capacity building and resource development support in the District.  Collaborate with DSLBD/eBIC & MOCA staff  Collaborate with Office of Contracts and Procurement (OCP) & DCRA  Collaborate with Nonprofit Capacity Builder – e.g. Foundation Center, Center of Nonprofit Advancement (PPP Conf), and Nonprofit Roundtable  Collaborate with International Development and Financial Institutions – e.g. USAID, IMF, & World Bank

9  DC Government Funders Forum – Charles Sumner School Museum & Archives, April 7 th, 10 AM – 12:30 PM  How to Complete the IRS 1023 for Nonprofit Status – OJS Suite 1117, May 11 th, 9 AM – 1 PM  SAVE THE DATE – August 25, 2011 – Public Private Partnership Conference, Washington Convention Center

10 Director: Lafayette A. Barnes (202) 727-8901, email: Deputy Director/Manager, Nonprofit and Faith based Relations: Pat G. Henry (202) 727-0946, email: Special Projects Volunteer: Kathy DeBoe, (202) 727-7996, email: Staff Assistant: Angela Peaks, (202) 727-4940, Email: Office Address: 300 E St. NW, Washington, DC 20001 Main Office Number: (202) 727-8900; FAX (202) 727-1652 OPGS Contact Information

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