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Budget Module 4 (Using FY2011 budget amounts) 1 Office of Local School Council Relations 125 S. Clark Street, 5th Floor Chicago, IL 60603 P. 773-553-1400.

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Presentation on theme: "Budget Module 4 (Using FY2011 budget amounts) 1 Office of Local School Council Relations 125 S. Clark Street, 5th Floor Chicago, IL 60603 P. 773-553-1400."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget Module 4 (Using FY2011 budget amounts) 1 Office of Local School Council Relations 125 S. Clark Street, 5th Floor Chicago, IL 60603 P. 773-553-1400 F. 773-553-1402

2 Objectives Understand sources of school funding Understand LSC’s role in developing, reviewing, approving and monitoring the school budget Align the school budget with goals of the SIPAAA How to monitor the budget, including internal accounts using appropriate CPS reports Explore resources to supplement the local budget 2

3 CPS funding Sources Local – Property Tax State – State Aid, Categorical, Supplemental General State Aid, Special Education, Bilingual, Early Childhood, Transportation Federal – Title I, Headstart, Title II Teacher Quality, Title III Language Acquisition, Title IV Drug Free Schools, Vocational Education Local fund-raising, fee’s and leasing income for usage of the school, gifts and grants 3

4 Overview of LSC Responsibilities Set spending priorities based on SIPAAA Provide input to principal during development of budget Consult with the PPLC Present the budget for community input Review, Revise and Approve the entire budget Monitor the budget and internal accounts Report to the community on school budget expenditures 4

5 Legal Requirements for the Budget Prepared by Principal within Board Rules, Policies and contracts Supports the SIPAAA LSC must approve with majority of serving members Board Approval required when biddable purchases exceed $10,000 CPO approval required for professional services over $25,000C and Board approval over $75,000 5

6 Legal Requirements for the Budget (continued) LSC approves internal account activity (Internal Account Expenditure and Receipts Report) LSC pre- approves checks over $1,000 Elementary and $2,500 High School LSC may raise the limits, but not lower them Principal provides LSC with Audits, Reviews of Programs or Operations of the school (Current Budget Report is recommended) Board identifies deficiencies which must be corrected for schools on probation 6

7 How Schools Receive Resources Enrollment determines number of quota teachers, support staff, instructional materials, equipment, repairs and supplies Special Needs Students generate dollars to meet their needs - SGSA, Bilingual, Special Education, Federal Title I Building Operation Funds – Operation and Maintenance based on square footage and enrollment – Security Services based on acts of misconduct reported and other factors( Number of buildings and the number of schools) – Food Services based on number of meals served – Capital Improvement - Board approves projects and funds 7

8 School Funds Average Elementary School of 750 students – One Principal – One Clerk – Full Position for Art or Music Teacher – One counselor – One Gym Teacher – One Librarian Money for – Textbooks – Supplies – Equipment – Drug Free Program Building Operations – Security – Lunchroom staff, food – Custodial staff & supplies 8

9 Funding Formula Examples Textbooks, Supplies, Furniture Equipment – Elementary Grade students bring in $ 77.25 per student – High School students bring in $105.00 per student 9 High School General Ed $ 105.00 High School Special Ed $ 220.75 Elementary General Ed $ 77.25 Elementary Special Ed $ 165.50

10 Title I Federal Title I Funding Formula – Used as Supplemental Support – Number of children 5-17 eligible for free or reduced price lunches (Weight 60%) –N–Number of children 5-17 from families receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). (Weight 40%) Example 50 percent free lunch and 20 percent TANF = (50 times.60) +( 20 times.40 ) = 30 + 8 = 38 percent and no Title I funds. Example 75 percent free lunch and 30 percent TANF = (75 times.60) +( 30 times.40 ) = 45 + 12 = 57 percent which is more than 40 percent and they get Title I funds. They get $430 per pupil for being at 40 % plus $14.00 for each percent above 40 or 17 * $14.00 or $430 + $238. = $668 per student. –U–Unspent funds are lost at the end of the year. They do not rollover to the next year. 10

11 Supplementary General State Aid SGSA Funding Formula – Used as Supplemental Support – Number of children eligible for free or reduced price lunches times dollars per student Example 690 of the students are eligible for free/reduced price lunch and dollars per student are $735. Thus, 690 times $735 = $507,150 for the school Dollars per student are derived by dividing total funds by number of students eligible – about $700. Unspent funds rollover to the next year 11

12 Transitional Bilingual Education Schools with 20 or more ELL students from the same language backgrounds are funded for a Transitional Bilingual Education Program (ES & HS). Schools with 16 or more ELL students from the same or diverse language backgrounds are funded for a Transitional Program of Instruction (ES). Schools with 41 or more ELL students from the same or diverse language backgrounds are funded for a Transitional Program of Instruction (HS). 12

13 Review Woodlawn School Budget Page 1B A – Program number followed by the name B- Fund number followed by the name C- Account number followed by the name E- Current Budget 2 nd most important- Funds Available most important T – What is this program and what is the program cost? * What is the salary for this teacher? 13

14 Review Woodlawn School Budget Page 5B - Find program 111013. Who is the teacher, what is her Annual Salary? Page 4B(SUM)- What was the original budget and what is the current budget? Page 4B -EP and ET Original budget amount? Current budget amount? Page 5B - Find Ms. Davis, what does she teach? 14

15 Review Woodlawn School Budget What fund(s) pay for Ms. Davis? What is the program number for Science? Page 5B find 1 st “NULL” Entry What is the annual salary? What is in the budget? What is the difference? PT- Parent funds how much is currently available? 15



18 School Budget Calendar October Schools get SGSA Rollover Funds Nov.– AprilDevelop SIPAAA for next year Early Feb.School receives proposed dollar amounts for next year Feb.-Mar.Budget developed to support SIPAAA March LSC presents Budget and SIPAAA to school community Early AprilLSC Approves SIPAAA and Budget April 15 Budget entered on computer June July Board Approves System Budget All Year LSC Monitors Budget, Internal Accounts and implementation of SIPAAA 18

19 Transfer of Funds Transfer of funds can only take place within a fund and grant between programs and accounts. No transfers will be allowed between funds. Fund transfers need approval by the LSC, principal and/or program coordinator. 19

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