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Alexander enters Egypt

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1 Alexander enters Egypt
Aim: to understand Alexander’s conquest of Egypt and assess it’s impact. Starter: How have Persian cities responded to Alexander’s approaching army?

2 After the fall of Tyre After Tyre falls, Alexander marches south.
He continues to seize coastal towns to cut off the Persian Navy. He captures Gaza after a short siege.

3 And into Egypt Alexander is welcomed in Egypt- The people are keen to get rid of the Persians. Alexander is accepted as the rightful Pharaoh of Egypt. He decides to visit an oracle.

4 Oracle of Ammon at Siwah
Ammon was an Egyptian God dating back to 20th Century B.C. The Greeks knew him as Ammon Zeus. The oracle at Siwah acknowledges Alexander as the son of Ammon (Amun). This legitimises Alexander’s reign over Egypt.

5 Different perspectives
Alexander eagerly accepts this new title. It makes him even more god like. The acceptance of Egyptian custom however has different reactions Egyptians Macedonians How do you think these 2 key groups view Alexander now?

6 Early Tensions View 1: Politically savvy
Alexander is appealing to the newly conquered Egyptians. He also needs to replenish his army to make up for casualties- He uses Egyptian troops. He is trying to unify/ absorb all elements of what will soon be his empire.

7 View 2: Foolish Arrogance
His experienced and veteran troops do not like this! His public acceptance that he is the Son of Ammon denies the paternity of Philip (who many served under). Alexander wants to be seen as a god, but his army want to see him as a king/ general. Integrating new soldiers into the army was very difficult.

8 Review: Patterns? Can we spot any patterns in Alexander’s behaviour?
Can we predict his behaviour in the later stages of his campaigns?

9 Alexandria In 331 B.C. Alexander founds the city of Alexandria on the coast. He builds it on the site of a small Egyptian town called Rhakotis. Although Alexander never returns to it, it continues to thrive and becomes a major city.

10 Interpretation How does the founding of Alexandria show a change in Alexander’s attitude to his campaign?

11 Plenary How does the ‘Egyptian episode’ of Alexander’s campaign compare to what we have seen so far?

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