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A Teacher’s Perspective Personal Finance Award (GA1Y 44)

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2 A Teacher’s Perspective Personal Finance Award (GA1Y 44)

3 Mike Smith  Curriculum Leader: Mathematics & Numeracy  Trinity Academy, Edinburgh  Involved since launch by SQA, ifs, LTS  Involved in revising Units  Involved in development of assessments

4 What do I hope to achieve today?  Outline changes and/or revisions to the Units  Compare content of ifs/SQA units  Give an overview of the (SQA) Units  Indicate links to Curriculum for Excellence  Indicate some useful resources  Describe a way to deliver the Award

5 Changes 1: ‘Structure’ Foundation Certificate in Personal Finance  Understanding Money  Managing your Money Personal Finance Award  Principles of Money  Money Management  Assessment through SQA  (SOLAR)  Dual certification

6 Changes 2: ‘Content’ – Unit 1 ifs  Principles of Money –What money is? –Where the term money comes from –Where money can be stored –How to open a bank account –Features of current account –Ways money can be debited from account –How to manage cash SQA  Principles of Money –Identify money –Identify and describe different forms of income –Describe ways to store and access money –Create and use a budget –Describe how to open a bank account –Foreign exchange

7 Changes 2: ‘Content’ – Unit 2 ifs  Money Management –Sources of income –Features of different savings products –Providers of borrowing products –Items exchanged for money –Different types of spending –Personal budget –Protecting items of value SQA  Money Management –In Principles of Money –Costs and calculate bills –Different forms of borrowing –Insurance and long term financial planning –Buying and spending (including auctions)

8 Comparison  Has to be ‘comparable’ - for delivery across UK  Mostly same material  Perhaps ordered differently  Changes to fit with CfE  Changes to fit with ‘Scottish cohort’

9 Principles of Money (SCQF level 4)  Task 1Identify Money »Main features of coins and banknotes »What is accepted and recognised as money »Identify what makes money legal tender  Task 2Identify/describe different forms of income »Different ways of earning money »Payslips »Minimum wage, benefits, tax credits  Task 3Store and access money »Personal bank accounts »Accessing money »Debit/credit cards (including costs)

10 Principles of Money (SCQF level 4)  Task 4Creating/using a budget/open bank account »Areas to consider in a personal budget »Short term savings and financial planning »Opening a personal bank account  Task 5Foreign currencies and foreign exchange »Features of some foreign currencies »Currency exchange »Commission or no-commission

11 Money Management (SCQF level 4)  Task 1Investigate costs and calculate bills »Utility bills »Mobile phones and packages »Motoring and travel  Task 2Different forms of borrowing »Sources of borrowing »How products are promoted »Loans and repayments »Credit and store cards  Task 3Insurance and long term planning »Types of insurance, and costs »State pension, private pension »Long term savings accounts

12 Money Management (SCQF level 4)  Task 4Buying and spending »Hire Purchase »Discount schemes »Buying and selling at auctions »Profit and Loss  More detailed information in Personal Finance Award section of SQA website where you can download full Unit specifications.

13 Links to CfE  All the “money” type Experiences and Outcomes are covered over the two Units  These are to be found in the MNU codes  There are obvious links to other curricular areas such as Social Subjects, Technology and Health and Well-being  Thus inter-disciplinary working is possible

14 Mathematics Outcomes Principles of Money  Task 1  Task 2  Task 3  Task 4  Task 5 Experiences and Outcomes  MNU4 09 b  MNU4 09 a  MNU2 09 a  MNU3 08 a  MNU4 09 c

15 Mathematics Outcomes Money Management  Task 1  Task 2  Task 3  Task 4 E and O  MNU3 09 a  MNU2 09 b  MNU3 09 a, MNU3 09 b  MNU2 09a, MNU2 09b  MNU2 09c  MNU4 09a

16 Other Curricular areas  Social subjects  Technology  HWB  Literacy  SOC2 15, SOC2 16, SOC2 21  SOC3 04, SOC3 20, SOC3 21  SOC4 20, SOC4 21  TCH1 03, TCH2 03  TCH3 02, TCH3 07  TCH4 07  HWB3 19  LIT3 14, LIT 3 15  LIT4 14, LIT4 15

17 Resources  Number of on-line resources which can be done ‘interactively’, or worksheets etc can be downloaded for use in class  ifs website  Download pdfs from SQA     (now deleted)   

18 Other Resources  General/Intermediate 1 type material/LM4 –HP –Wages –Insurance –Foreign Exchange, etc –All readily available from existing resources  Glow – Lifeskills mathematics materials  Spending Sense cd  Adds up to a lifetime resource

19 Delivery  Mixture of online and workbook  Mini-project (‘case study’ type activity)  Perhaps do Numeracy Unit (N4 or N5)  PoMAug – Nov/Dec (3 hours per week)  MMJan – Easter (3 hours per week)  Gives about 40 hours per Unit  Allows time for Numeracy Unit if desired

20 Delivery  My class ‘visits’ four times per week (55 min periods)  1 visit could be numeracy work (or further research)  Over about 14 weeks @ 3 visits per week gives a comfortable 40 hours per Unit  PoMAug – Nov/Dec (3 hours per week) »Allows about 8 visits per task (5 tasks) »About 2 visits per ‘bullet point’ »But, obviously, adjust to suit »Final visit a review time  MM is similar (Jan – Easter)

21 Assessment  Assessment is done on-line through SOLAR  Use ‘OpenAssess’ for formative practice  “Book” a time slot per student  Dynamically generated so students can sit next to each other – having different questions  Immediate feedback

22 Last slide...  Thank you for listening 


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