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Shared with campus constituencies Mission, Vision, Values Goals – Revised on 5-year cycle with MSCHE review. Vision Budget Strategic Plan Goal Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "Shared with campus constituencies Mission, Vision, Values Goals – Revised on 5-year cycle with MSCHE review. Vision Budget Strategic Plan Goal Strategy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Shared with campus constituencies Mission, Vision, Values Goals – Revised on 5-year cycle with MSCHE review. Vision Budget Strategic Plan Goal Strategy Action Assessment Completed - Celebrated Goal Strategies and Actions are reviewed every six months and revised annually.

3 Public document Working document – web Dashboards - web

4 President’s role: promote the vision President’s Council’s role: Goal-set-through— Rolling Five-year Plan review and assess Campus leaders’ (VPs, Deans, Department Chairs, and Directors) role: from vision to reality President’s role: promote the vision President’s Council’s role: Goal-set-through— Rolling Five-year Plan review and assess Campus leaders’ (VPs, Deans, Department Chairs, and Directors) role: from vision to reality

5 Campus Community role:  Students, faculty, staff, and volunteer boards  Five-year cycle of mission, vision, values, and goal review  Alignment with MSCHE self-study and PRR Campus Community role:  Students, faculty, staff, and volunteer boards  Five-year cycle of mission, vision, values, and goal review  Alignment with MSCHE self-study and PRR

6 “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it!” -Michelangelo

7 Every Alfred State College graduate having a life transforming experience by participating in a civic engagement project…

8 Strategy:Create a More Vibrant Community.SUNY Strategic Plan ACTION E1e: P Build a Student Leadership Center. Big Six Category: Vibrant Community Desired Outcome: A student leadership center is created that is a state-of-the-art nationally recognized facility emphasizing student leadership through civic engagement. Top Line Metric: Community well-being index KPI: Concept paper and architectural design showing SLC to be a state-of- the-art facility. National publication or organization recognizing the facility as such upon opening fall 2013. Base Year (07-08): $33.5 M secured (May 2008) for new student leadership center - April 2008. ASC 4Rs Addressed: Reputation, Recruitment Retention Reporting: SA YearActual Results - E1eProgress 2008-09 Developed concept paper. Nationally recognized architect selected for the project. 2009-10 Complete program and schematic design on student leadership center. Decision to phase construction - Phase 1 begins May 2011. "State-of-the-art" design maintained through year's activities. 2010-11Completed construction D&D for Phase 1 in Feb 2011; phase 1 construction contract awarded; ground breaking ceremony and Phase 1 construction began in May 2011. 2011-12 2012-13

9 Alfred State College Student Leadership Center

10 Strategy 1Create a More Vibrant Community.SUNY Strategic Plan ACTION E1d(2): P Create a campus culture that promotes civic engagement and student leadership opportunities. Big Six Category: Vibrant Community Desired Outcome: Establish a Student Leadership Institute to assist in raising funds for civic engagement and student leadership opportunities for students. Top Line Metric: Community well-being index KPI: The College will raise $100,000 annually to support civic engagement and student leadership programs. Base Year (09-10): $4,000 raised in Parent Fund appeal. ASC 4Rs Addressed: Recruitment, Retention, Reputation Reporting: SA YearActual Results - E1d(2)Progress 2010-11College community raised $45,665 in 2010-11. 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

11 Strategy 1:Create a More Vibrant Community.SUNY Strategic Plan ACTION E1g: P Train club and organization advisers in promoting civic engagement initiatives. Big Six Category: Vibrant Community Desired Outcome: Have 13 proposals approved for Student Leadership Center store fronts by March 1, 2013. Top Line Metric: Community well-being index KPI:13 store fronts assigned. Base Year 2011- 12 ASC 4Rs Addressed: Recruitment, Retention, Reputation Reporting: SA YearActual Results - E1g

12 “Determine that the thing can and shall be done and we shall find a way” - Abraham Lincoln



15 Strategy 3 Develop and implement assessment and continuous improvement processes SUNY Strategic Plan ACTION A3c: P Develop a college-wide office of assessment staffed with a director. Big Six Category: Seamless Education Pipeline Desired Outcome: Coordinate and communicate all college assessment activities from program assessment to institutional effectiveness. Top Line Metric: Increase in percentage of NYS residents who have a college degree leading to a decrease in unemployment. KPI:Hire director, establish office, implement assessment activities. Base Year (07-08): 50% faculty release time for assessment. ASC 4Rs Addressed: Reputation Reporting: AA YearActual Results - E1d(2)Progress 2008-09Assessment Director hired 9/1/09. Improved 5-year review process. Strategic Plan developed 2009-10 Completed Periodic Review Report and annual SLOs. Redeveloped Assessment & Institutional Effectiveness website. Revised and created various assessment documents. Simplified course evaluation process and revised online course evaluation process. Assisted with ASC Strategic Plan KPIs. 2010-11 2011-12 Outcome met as of 9/1/10. 2012-13

16 SUNY Dashboards



19 ASC Assessment & Institutional Effectiveness Website








27 ASC Accreditation SharePoint



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