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Published bySilvester Parker Modified over 9 years ago
The stages of promotion and implementation of a high-speed line project in Romania Adrian DRAGOMIRESCU Head of Department for planning and monitoring activities of SOP-T and TEN-T projects, National Railways Company CFR, Romania High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011 1
The European vision for railway transport The European Commission's new White Paper on Transport (A roadmap for a single European space transport - Towards a competitive and efficient transportation system in terms of resources, published by the European Commission in March 2011) identify new solutions and medium and long term strategies, from the years 2020-2030 and with the time horizon 2050. The most important are: multimodal transport systems, promotion of freight transport railways on medium and long distances, created dedicated freight corridors, triple the high speed railway lines, Implementation of a TEN-T multi-modal and fully operational "primary network" throughout the EU until 2030. 2 High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011
High Speed Network in 2020? Maybe in 2030. 3 High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011
Romania Railways 2020 – Infrastructure Objectives After the White Paper on Transport in 2001, the new White Paper on Transport in 2011 comes to highlight the importance that rail transport should have. The main direction of the Romanian 2020 Railway Platform is to correlate with the objectives of this document where the railways are seen as playing a crucial role in developing a competitive and sustainable transport system: 30% of the road freight transport on distances over 300 km should be shifted to other means of transport by 2030, such as railway or inland waterways and this percentage should exceed 50% by 2050 with the help of efficient and environmentally friendly freight transport corridors. A European railway high-speed network should be finalized by 2050. The length of the existing railway high-speed network should triple by 2030, while a dense railway network has to be maintained in all member states. By 2050, most of the passenger transport on medium-distances should take place on railways. Another objective is to implement a multimodal and completely functional TEN-T “primary network” across the EU by 2030 and of a high-quality and capacity network by 2050, as well as of an appropriate set of information services. It is also planned to connect all “primary network” airports to the railway network, preferably to the high-speed network by 2050 and to make sure that all maritime primary ports are correspondingly connected to the rail freight transport system and, where possible, to the inland waterways system. 4 High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011
The Romanian actions plans for railway transport Transport policy pursued by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure from Romania in the period January 2010 – September 2011 takes in consideration priority areas for action from EU level and integrates them into concrete actions at national level. Thus, the ministry has finalized the draft strategy of intermodal transport in Romania to introduce new approach and integration of all modes of transportation in an efficient logistics chain, able to meet the growing demand for freight carriers and to create organizational structures dedicated to intermodal transport. Currently, both the ministry and the railway infrastructure manager CFR, prepare actions to establish the competitive freight Corridor Number 7, a corridor that includes rail section Dresden - Prague - Vienna - Bratislava - Budapest - Bucharest – Constanta, created under European Commission Regulation no. 913/2010. 5 High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011
6 Part of the competitive freight Corridor Number 7
7 High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011 Romanian 2020 Railway Platform and long term strategy
Modernization and development of railway infrastructure along the TEN-T priority axis 22 - middle term strategy 8 High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011
The SEE HSRL project 1 As for the network of high speed railway, the National Law no. 203 from 16 th of May 2003 concerning the construction, development and modernization of national and European transport, republished in 2005, states that high speed rail network will be realized after 2015, depending on arrangements with neighbouring countries. In this regard, the Ministry of Transport has initiated and developed multiple initiatives at international level to start and conduct discussions about high-speed line Budapest - Bucharest - Constanta, as an extension of high-speed axis Paris - Strasbourg - Stuttgart - Vienna - Bratislava - Budapest. In November 2007 the Governments of Romania and the Republic of Hungary adopted in Sibiu, in joint session, two joint statements of the Ministry of Transport from Romania and the Ministry of Economy and Transport Republic from Hungary. First Joint Declaration refers on achieving a high- speed rail line route Budapest - Bucharest - Constanta, as an extension of high-speed axis Paris - Strasbourg - Stuttgart - Vienna - Bratislava - Budapest. The Ministry of Transport has prepared and submitted in September 2008 official letters to ministries of transport from Hungary and Austria, which called for the involvement of the MAV and ÖBB railways companies as project partners by signing a commitment to participate in the Transnational Cooperation Programme South East Europe 2007-2013 to achieve the pre-feasibility study for a high speed projects in the region of SEE of Europe (tracks and costs). The first trilateral meeting of the Romanian-Hungarian-Austrian Experts Working Group, on the pre-feasibility study that took place in Bucharest from September 30 to October 1 2008. The parties agreed that the pre-feasibility study will consist of three parts, one for each of the three countries involved. The specialists sought of some alternative financing solutions for the realization of studies and technical projects (SEE program, TEN- T program and the SOP-T program – for 2007-2013 period). 9 High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011
The SEE HSRL project 2 Between 24 to 25 February 2010 in Budapest, a Romanian delegation participated in two meetings on international cooperation about areas traversed by the Danube river, where the delegates discussed the possibility that a high-speed railway line can be one of the major projects of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. On 8 November 2010 took place in Bucharest at the Parliament Palace the Danube Summit - a major event discussion on major issues guidelines to be taken into account in structuring the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. On this occasion, it was announced that the Danube Strategy will include a high speed railway project on the route Vienna - Budapest - Bucharest - Constanta. On 13 th of April 2011, ministers from 27 EU member states have approved, in Luxembourg, the EU strategy for the Danube Region, adopted by the European Commission in December 2010. 10 High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011
TEN-T projects 1 The subject of building a high-speed line in Romania was also on the agenda of talks by representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in the revision of TEN-T. From September 2010 until February 2011 bilateral talks were held between representatives of The European Commission and representatives of each Member State about the configuration of the future TEN-T Global Network (existing and planned network - as nr. 61/2010/UE decision and proposed network). The Romanian delegation submit the proposals and arguments raised by the National Railways Company CFR SA for the extension of the current TEN-T with 7 sections of the conventional railway network in Romania and a new high speed line on route Border HU- RO - Bucharest - Constanta as part of international route Budapest - Bucharest - Constanta. On 23 and 24 February 2011 the TEN-T EA Committee meeting held in Brussels on the development of Trans-European Transport Network which was attended by a delegate of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. On February 23, 2011 The Committee held meetings in bilateral format (RO - COM) and trilateral (RO - HU - COM). In bilateral discussions, with MTI representative and representatives from Hungary attended the Romanian Mission to the EU. 11 High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011
TEN-T projects 2 On April 28, 2011, a delegation of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure from Romania went to Brussels to attend the Meeting about high-level bilateral consultations on the issue of revision of TEN-T network with The Directorate General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission. The Committee on development of Trans- European Transport Network accepted all the Romania’s proposals for railway extensions. Regarding the high-speed line, COM TEN-T has agreed on the proposal, having regard to the horizon of development, the European Commission's policy of promoting rail and objectives in the forthcoming White Paper on Transport - completion by 2050, a European high speed rail networks and tripling the length of existing high-speed rail network by 2030. The Committee noted that in the foreseeable future the European Commission will finance feasibility studies for the high-speed projects in Romania and Hungary. According with the strategy set out by the Transport White Paper on establishing a European high speed railway network and European Commission approval for the extension projects of TEN-T network proposed by Romania, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure agreed to promote and prepare for the first time, a high-speed infrastructure project in Romania. In this regard, the secretary of state has approved in April 2011 an action plan proposed by CFR on promoting the “High-speed railway line on the route Border HU-RO - Bucharest – Constanta”. 12 High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011
TEN-T projects - the map 13 High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011
Action Plan for the HSRL in Romania 1 Past activities of CFR in 2011: CFR send in April 2011 an official letter to the Managing Authority for SOP-T 2007-2013 in order to analyze with DG REGIO and JASPERS the proposal to include a high-speed project in SOP-T 2007-2013. The SOP-T Monitoring Committee and DG REGIO approved in May 2011 the new list of railway projects, including the high- speed line project; CFR send to The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure the explanatory memorandum for the amounts of money necessary to develop a pre-feasibility study for route options / variants on Romanian territory in order to be included in the 2012 project of State Budget. 14 High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011
Action Plan for the HSRL in Romania 2 In the coming period CFR planned to: To prepare an order of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure regarding the establishment of the Joint working group MTI – National Railways Company CFR SA, with the scope to promote a strategy for a high-speed railway line project at national and international levels and to negotiate with the authorities an specialists from Hungary, the general and technical specifications for the high speed project; To participate in the UIC Project “Handbook for the development of high speed projects”; To organize a Working Group for the HS project in Romania with representatives from universities, scientific and research agencies and railway industry from Romania; To organize a HS seminar in 2011 or 2012; To create in CFR of a department with qualified staff who will promote the HS project in accordance with European legislation ; To prepare a public debate. 15 High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011
A possible route of HSLR in Romania 16 High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011
17 Thank you for your kind attention High Speed Rail Transport - a chance for Poland and Central Europe, Warszawa, 16.11.2011
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