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Moving Pathways Forward: Project Orientation Meeting for States Receiving Technical Assistance Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Conducted by: Chrys Limardo, Kratos.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving Pathways Forward: Project Orientation Meeting for States Receiving Technical Assistance Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Conducted by: Chrys Limardo, Kratos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving Pathways Forward: Project Orientation Meeting for States Receiving Technical Assistance Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Conducted by: Chrys Limardo, Kratos Learning & Judith Alamprese, Abt Associates

2 Today’s Session: State participants will…  Learn about the Moving Pathways Forward project purpose and goal, approaches to intensive technical assistance, expected activities, and timeline for activities  Share a key goal for participating in the Moving Pathways Forward project  Meet their coaches 2

3 Moving Pathways Forward Project Purpose and Goal Purpose: Assist states in advancing career pathways systems to transition low-skilled adults to postsecondary education and to employment in high-demand and high-growth occupations. Goal: To further integrate adult education into broader career pathways system development at the state and local levels by building upon the successes and lessons learned from earlier federal, state, and philanthropic investments in career pathways. 3

4 Moving Pathways Forward Project Activities  Deliver technical assistance to states  Intensive technical assistance  General technical assistance  Implement a career pathways network to connect stakeholders to career pathways efforts  Conduct outreach and dissemination activities  Work with an advisory group of subject matter experts 4

5 Project Team  Chrys Limardo, Kratos Learning, Project Director  Judith Alamprese, Abt Associates, Director of Technical Assistance  Hope Center, Center for Occupational Research and Development (CORD), Project Partner  Rebecca Dyer, State Coach  Jim Harrison, State Coach  Israel Mendoza, State Coach  Roberta Pawloski, State Coach 5

6 Advisory Group Members  Nate Anderson, Jobs for the Future (JFF)  Burt Barnow, Ph.D., Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration, The George Washington University  Debra Bragg, Ph.D., Office of Community College Research and Leadership, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign (OCCRL)  Vickie Choitz, Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)  Mary Alice McCarthy, Ph.D., New America Foundation  Nan Poppe, Ed.D., Consultant and Coach  Whitney Smith, Joyce Foundation 6


8 Moving Pathways Forward Project: Building on Federal Investments  Past Projects  Definition of Career Pathways in Joint Letter issued by U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, April 4, 2012  Key Elements of Career Pathways in Joint letter issued by U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Labor, April 4, 2012 8

9 Past Federal Investments in State Career Pathways Systems Building U.S. Department of Education/OCTAE  Policy to Performance (P2P)  Advancing Career Pathways in Career and Technical Education U.S. Department of Labor/ETA  Career Pathways Technical Assistance Initiative #1  Career Pathways Technical Assistance Initiative #2 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services  Career Pathways Policy Academies 9

10 Definition of Career Pathways Career pathways is a series of connected education and training strategies and support services that enable individuals to secure industry relevant certification and obtain employment within an occupational area and to advance to higher levels of future education and employment in that area. Joint letter from U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Labor, April 4, 2012 10

11 Key Elements of Career Pathways  Build cross-agency partnerships and clarify roles  Identify sector or industry and engage employers  Design education and training programs  Identify funding needs and resources  Align policies and programs  Measure system change and performance Joint letter from U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Labor, April 4, 2012 11

12 States Participating in Moving Pathways Forward Intensive Technical Assistance  Georgia  Indiana  Iowa  Kentucky  Michigan  Minnesota  Montana  New Jersey  Ohio  Oregon  Rhode Island  Virginia  West Virginia  Wisconsin 12

13 Governance Structures of States 13 Community College, Technical College, Postsec. Ed. (5) Labor/Workforce Development (3) State Education Agency (6) Georgia Kentucky Ohio Oregon Wisconsin Indiana Michigan New Jersey Iowa Minnesota Montana Rhode Island Virginia West Virginia

14 Focus of States’ Moving Pathways Forward Activities Expand Career Pathways Local Implementation Models and Learner Populations Georgia, Kentucky, Minnesota, Oregon, Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin Increase integration of adult education and workforce development Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey Strengthen systematic implementation of career pathways/address gaps in local career pathways services Iowa, Montana, Rhode Island, West Virginia 14

15 Approach to Intensive Technical Assistance: State Activities  Analyze current career pathways activities:  Existing state career pathways systems components  Local career pathways systems and activities  Set goals for the project in conjunction with partners and based on current status of state and local career pathways systems, gaps in current activities, and other factors  Prepare and implement Project Work Plan with goals, activities, resources, timeline, and expected outcomes  Update Work Plan as outcomes are achieved and conditions change 15

16 Approach to Intensive Technical Assistance: Project Team Activities  Each state has a coach and access to Subject Matter Experts  Coaches will:  Assist states in analyzing their current career pathways systems, developing a Work Plan, and addressing issues that arise during the project  Assist states in obtaining resources and information  Conduct a site visit to discuss implementation of states’ Work Plans  Coaches and state project participants will participate in bimonthly teleconferences  Cross-state conference calls and webinars will be conducted to discuss issues of common interest to all states/subsets of states 16

17 Expected Outcomes from Intensive Technical Assistance State System Changes  Change in levels of implementation of career pathway state system components (e.g., strengthening of state partnerships, more targeted professional development to support local implementation of career pathways)  Capacity to address challenges in developing or expanding state systems  Use of differentiated approaches to implement career pathways that account for variations in target population, availability of resources, and other regional differences 17

18 Expected Outcomes from Intensive Technical Assistance Local implementation of career pathways: Increase in…  Number of ABE programs implementing career pathways  Level of implementation of career pathways in ABE programs  Integration of adult education career pathways with other career pathways systems in the state  Number/percent and populations of ABE learners who enroll in postsecondary training and earn a certificate or credential (depending on states’ activities) 18

19 Timeline for States’ Intensive Technical Assistance Activities 2014  Participate in introductory call, information gathering, and analysis of career pathways system (May-June)  Work with state team and coach in preparing draft Work Plan (July-August)  Finalize and implement Work Plan, meet with coach during site visit (Sept.-Dec.) Jan. 2015-May 2016  Implement and update Work Plan  Participate in bimonthly calls, webinars, and other project events 19

20 States’ Goals Share one of your state’s key goals for participating in the Moving Pathways Forward Project. 20

21 Meet Your Coach  Georgia: Roberta Pawloksi  Indiana: Israel Mendoza  Iowa: Jim Harrison  Kentucky: Judy Alamprese and Becky Dyer  Michigan: Jim Harrison  Minnesota: Jim Harrison  Montana: Becky Dyer and Judy Alamprese  New Jersey: Israel Mendoza  Ohio: Roberta Pawloski  Oregon: Judy Alamprese  Rhode Island: Roberta Pawloski  Virginia: Becky Dyer  West Virginia: Becky Dyer  Wisconsin: Israel Mendoza 21

22 Intensive Technical Assistance Contact Information 22 Moving Pathways Forward: Supporting Career Pathways Integration is funded by OCTAE under contract #ED-VAE-13-C-0060. The project is managed by Kratos Learning and its partners, Abt Associates and Center for Occupational Research and Development (CORD) Communications Inc. Judith Alamprese, Abt Associates Chrys Limardo, Kratos Learning  Project email:  Facebook:  Twitter: @Career_Pathways@Career_Pathways

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