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By Garland Land NAPHSIS Consultant. Importance of Birth Certificates Needed for: Social Security Card School Enrollment Driver’s License Passport.

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Presentation on theme: "By Garland Land NAPHSIS Consultant. Importance of Birth Certificates Needed for: Social Security Card School Enrollment Driver’s License Passport."— Presentation transcript:

1 by Garland Land NAPHSIS Consultant

2 Importance of Birth Certificates Needed for: Social Security Card School Enrollment Driver’s License Passport

3 United States ID Document No National ID Document Defacto ID Documents for persons born in the U.S.: Driver’s License Passport

4 Dependency Problem To get a Driver’s License must have a Birth Certification However, to get a Birth Certification must show a Driver’s License To get a Passport must have a Birth Certification and Driver’s License To use a credit card must present a Driver’s License which was based upon a Birth Certification To obtain employment must provide a Social Security number, which was based upon a Birth Certification

5 Importance of Birth Certificates All U.S. identity documents and major civil transactions in the U.S. are dependent on a Birth Certification.

6 The Problem Currently DMVs, the State Department and other parties relying on Birth Certifications have no way to determine the level of trust they can place on a Birth Certification.

7 The Problem (cont.) Issuing policies and practices vary among vital records jurisdictions Issuing practices vary between the state and local jurisdictions Relying parties do not know the state and local issuing policies and practices This results in a general lack of trust of birth certifications

8 The Problem (cont.) Poor policies and practices have led to: Creation of delayed birth records on imposters Issuing birth certifications to persons without a tangible interest Alteration of birth certifications Fabrication of birth certifications Use of birth certifications of dead persons Use of someone’s else’s birth certification who is still alive

9 Building A Trust Framework 1. Registration 2. Issuance 3. Security of the Document 4. Validity 5. Expiration of the Document 6. Authentication

10 Building A Trust Framework on Registration What degree of trust can be given that the birth certification is based upon a birth record that was created for the person named on the record and born in the jurisdiction?

11 Solutions for Building Registration Trust Follow NAPHSIS guidelines on registering out of institution births Follow NAPHSIS guidelines on registering delayed births

12 Building Issuance Trust What degree of trust can be given that the vital records agency issued the birth certification to the person named on the birth record or a person with a tangible interest?

13 Solutions for Building Issuance Trust Follow Model Law and Regulations on persons who can obtain a birth certification Follow NAPHSIS guidelines on requiring identification of persons applying for a birth certification Follow NAPHSIS guidelines on where a birth certification can be mailed Establish controls by requiring local registrars to issue from the state central system

14 Building Trust in the Document What degree of trust can be given that the birth certification has not been altered?

15 Solutions for Building Trust in the Document Follow NAPHSIS document security guidelines Vital records jurisdictions and relying parties participate in EVVE

16 Building Trust in the Document Validity What degree of trust can be given that the birth certification has not been fabricated?

17 Solutions for Building Validity Trust Follow NAPHSIS document security guidelines Vital records jurisdictions and relying parties participate in EVVE

18 Building Trust in the Expiration of the Document What degree of trust can be given that the person named on the birth certification is alive?

19 Solutions for Building Trust in the Expiration of the Document Follow NAPHSIS security guidelines on matching birth and death records Participate in STEVE to ensure receipt of out of state deaths Mark “deceased” on all certifications of deceased births Vital records jurisdictions and relying parties participate in EVVE

20 Building Authentication Trust What degree of trust can be given that a person is presenting their own birth certification and not another person’s certification?

21 Solutions for Building Authentication Trust NAPHSIS and vital records jurisdictions should start viewing responsible possession of a birth certification after the certification is issued as part of our responsibility.

22 Solutions for Building Authentication Trust Knowledge based questions are used to authenticate the person requesting a birth certification through the Internet. Knowledge based questions could be used by relying parties to determine if the person presenting a birth certification is the person that obtained the birth certification or knows the person that obtained the certification.

23 Bar Code Solution for Building Authentication Trust Standardize birth certification application forms Scan the application Incorporate the scanned application in a 2D bar code and place the bar code on a birth certification A relying party would be given the ability to open the bar code to view the application form and ask questions based upon information from the application form

24 Bar Code Solution for Building Authentication Trust If a family member requested the birth certification for the child. The person with the certification could be asked: Name of the person that requested the certification Relationship to the person requesting the certification Address of the person that requested the certification when the certification was requested Telephone number of the person that requested the certification when the certification was requested Hospital of birth, if not on the birth certificat ion

25 Bar Code Solution for Building Authentication Trust If the person requested the birth certification for them self. They could be asked: Name of the person that requested the certification Year they requested the certification Their address when they requested the certification Their telephone number when they requested the certification Hospital of birth, if not on the certification Last four digits of their social security number Their signature on the birth application can be compared with the DMV or Passport application signature

26 Trust Requirements To build trust (Trustmark) for birth certifications there must be: Agreed upon standards Verification that standards have been met

27 Possibilities for the Future Develop standards for the six trust criteria Develop a scoring system based upon the trust criteria that would lead to issuing a jurisdiction trust mark or issuing a statement of trust: Highly Trustworthy, Trustworthy, Moderately Trustworthy or Untrustworthy The level of trust could be accomplished through self assessment, offsite review or on site review The level of trust and process for determination would be provided to relying pa rties

28 Why Create a Trust Framework? If we don’t create a trust framework birth certifications will become less relevant for parties conducting identity verification. OMB recommends that federal agencies rely on locally developed standards. The proposed trust framework could be used by the Intelligence Reform Regulations process.

29 What Now? Discuss this concept at this session Discuss this concept at the town hall meeting Discuss this concept at the regional meetings Make a decision if NAPHSIS should proceed in developing a NAPHSIS Security Trust Mark/Framework

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