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Culture and emotion.

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Presentation on theme: "Culture and emotion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture and emotion

2 Hofstede’s approach Power distance Uncertainty avoidance
Individualism-collectivism Masculinity-femininity Bond: Based on Chinese data, added Confucian work dynamism (or Long-term orientation)

3 What about levels in different countries?

4 Schwartz world value survey
At individual level (10 values): Openness to change vs. tradition Self-enhancements vs. self-transcendence At nation level (7 values): Autonomy-embeddedness Hierarchy-egalitarianism Mastery-harmony

5 Other approaches Smith et al. Inglehart
Loyalty to organization vs. utilitarianism Conservation vs. egalitarianism Inglehart Self-expression vs. survival Rational-legal vs. traditional authority Tight vs. Loose cultures (Gelfand et al., 2011) How does this concept relate to the others? Why are certain countries high or low? What other effects might this have?

6 Cultural differences in
Self-concept Self-consistency (self-monitoring) Self-enhancement Approach/avoidance Agency and control Desire to fit in Honor culture Relationships In vs out group Friendship differences

7 Cognition (Nisbett, Peng, Choi, & Norenzayan, 2001)
Analytic vs. holistic thinking Attention to background Reasoning styles Attribution How did these differences come about? How are they maintained? What are implications of these differences for research?

8 Emotion Basic emotions Display rules Intensity of emotions Happiness
In-group advantage “emotion dialect”

9 Emotions Where do emotions come from and what is their purpose?
Appraisal theory Relevance, congruence, responsibility, control, power Interpret important event or object, give it meaning, get emotion Critiques of appraisal theory Schachter’s two-factor theory of emotion Misattribution of arousal Mood congruence

10 Affect infusion model (Forgas)
Low infusion: direct access and motivated processing High infusion: heuristic and substantive Similarities to other dual process: HSM and ELM How are emotions social? Contagion of emotion vs. norms (bottom up vs. top down) Unconscious emotion (subliminal faces) Embodiment of emotion Moral judgments: trustworthiness and dominance

11 Affective forecasting (Wilson & Gilbert, 2003)
What are we good vs. bad at predicting? Why? Durability bias Impact bias Misconstrual problem Projection bias Expectation effects Focalism Emotional evanescence The role of sense making

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