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9 Week Rotation of classes New class every quarter! Students will go to: Music Spanish Art Technology Meet everyday (Monday – Friday) Will have PE & Encore.

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Presentation on theme: "9 Week Rotation of classes New class every quarter! Students will go to: Music Spanish Art Technology Meet everyday (Monday – Friday) Will have PE & Encore."— Presentation transcript:

1 9 Week Rotation of classes New class every quarter! Students will go to: Music Spanish Art Technology Meet everyday (Monday – Friday) Will have PE & Encore class Receive a grade for the class!

2 Chorus at Hickory Creek Varsity Chorus – all 6 th graders, 7 th and 8 th graders; rehearses Tuesday, 2:30-3:30 and every other Thursday, 2:30-4:00 Sixth Grade Ensemble – 6 th graders in Varsity Chorus; rehearses Tuesday, 3:30- 4:30 Advanced Choir – all 7 th and 8 th graders; rehearses Monday, 2:30-4:00 and every other Thursday, 2:30-4:00 Show Choir – select 6/7/8 th graders; rehearses Wednesday, 2:30-4:30 and Friday, 2:30-4:00 Auditions are the last week of January All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are welcome to audition Participation in chorus is highly recommended to prepare for the musical Rehearsals run Monday-Friday after school Show dates: May 15, 16, 17, 2015 Spring Musical HCMS Band Fall Fest Parade: Sunday, August 31 LWE Football Game: Friday, September 26 Band Handbook available on Ms. Ruff’s or Mr. Adams’ teacher page

3 6th Grade Art Program Mrs. Rogers Mr. Vonch

4 Art Room Rules: Respect yourself and others Use art materials for their intended purpose only Respect ideas and artwork Expectations: Arrive on time Come to class prepared Work together with your group to set up and clean up materials Always create your best possible work

5 Grading: Summative Assessments 70% Projects graded with a rubric Formative Assessments 30% Practice work, Class activities, Sketchbook work

6 Project Rubrics Include : Understanding : Demonstration that instructions and concepts are understood Craftsmanship : Neatness, precision, care Creativity : Inventiveness, expression of ideas and imagination Planning and Preparation: Artwork reflects planning and sketchbook work

7 Curriculum Goals: Introduce new art materials and techniques Understand and apply the Elements of Art Develop creative problem solving skills Make strong choices in a work of art Understand art as a form on communication

8 Color Schemes Design: Use shapes in an original way to create an abstract design Organize space well, create an interesting composition Choose a variety of color schemes to add color and communicate meaning Practice strong craftsmanship skills How can we use color to communicate in a work of art?


10 Coil Pots Introduce Kiln Firing Clay View and discuss traditional hand built pottery Use the traditional technique of coiling to design and create a clay vessel Use kiln firing glaze to add color and finish to the clay How can we use the ancient process of coiling to create a functional clay pot?


12 Stamp Paper Quilts Design and make a stamp that is repeated to create a quilt pattern Make strong color choices to create pleasant mixed colors in the background Use space in an interesting way to create an interesting stamp and pattern How can we use the element of shape to create a unique repeated pattern?


14 Contact Information: If you have any questions please feel free to contact me: Phone: 815-469-4474 E-mail:

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