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Climate Change. Broad categories of RCE practices Skills/competencies development Situated learning leading to innovations for low-carbon society Local/regional.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Change. Broad categories of RCE practices Skills/competencies development Situated learning leading to innovations for low-carbon society Local/regional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Change

2 Broad categories of RCE practices Skills/competencies development Situated learning leading to innovations for low-carbon society Local/regional policy development

3 Key Areas of Application 1.RCEs as innovators in the practices for new low- carbon economies 2.Role of traditional knowledge 3.Importance of sharing RCE learning practices 4.Development of competencies and capabilities 5.Up-scaling of knowledge-innovation practices 6.Assessment of the learning results of the RCE projects 7.Green Economy 8.Global-Local links

4 Major Challenge A major challenge for RCEs is to determine the best course of action for attaining sustainable development and adapting to climate change, so it is essential that we share resources, research, and best practices within the global RCE network to be able to support our communities

5 Expected Outcome of the Discussion  Come up with a plan for a proposed global initiative that involves the global RCE network  Global initiative: We need to take a global approach through campaigning. Create one initiative to get the policy makers’ attentions (public awareness).  Asian-pacific: Work with education ministers and keep in touch with them. Put pressure on the government for ESD, see how other countries are doing.  DESD in Asean has already been planned.  Mitigation versus Adaptation: In the case of RCE Bohol, we are looking for other sources of food incase of crisis (for alternative sources of food) More RCEs are doing more adaptation.  Should not think about the same paradigm

6 For Discussion 1.Organizing communication and collaboration among RCEs with similar climate change challenges 2.Strategies for inter-RCE sharing of climate change related educational materials, strategies, initiatives, etc. 3.How to integrate community and NGO efforts to address climate change with government policy responses 4.Japan –Interested in Natural conservation. Opportunity to share. Use portal efficiently. Residents should take more positive actions. 5.Kenya: How can we start reaching the community (resource centers)

7 Output at end of Session 1)Half a page summary of session 2)One slide with 2-3 points on actionable items after the conference

8 Establish a framework. “SHARING” – our knowledge. This is our strategy there should be sharing, but also influencing. Global Continental RCEs Country (eg. 9 RCEs in India) Learning  sharing (internalize our knowledge) thus, influence  advocacy  influencing policy Strengthen our network

9 Vision, Strategy, Methodology Vision: Global learning space RCEs can come together(Strategy) : Learning  sharing (internalize our knowledge, Strengthen our network) thus, influence  advocacy  influencing policy Tool:portal Methodologies: What do we share? Cases, good practices (adaptation, medication strategies), information on materials Actionable points:

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