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CELLS and their Organelles

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1 CELLS and their Organelles

2 TWO TYPES OF CELLS All Cells can be classified into PROKARYOTES and EUKARYOTES Prokaryotes were the only form of life on Earth Millions of years ago until the more complex Eukaryotes came to be via Evolution They are very basic cells, missing a lot of organelles specifically they have no membrane bound nucleus.

3 Eukaryotic Cells Plant Most living organisms are Eukaryotic.
These are complex cells with many parts that work together These parts are called organelles These are membrane bound structures inside the cell that perform specific functions that keep the cell alive and make sure the cell performs its specific function for the organism. Animal

ORGANELLES Each Organelle has a specific role in the cell. Its structure is designed specifically to aid in its role. All together the organelles work like different parts of a factory to produce a desired role/product COPY THIS CHART ON A SHEET YOUR SHEET OF PAPER (LEAVE ROOM TO WRITE ) Setup a table with the following headings on your page Organelle Function | | Appearance Location |

5 The Nucleus The nucleus houses chromatin which is a mass of DNA and protein. The nuclear envelope is a double membrane perforated with pores that allow transport of material back and forth to the cytoplasm. The nucleus is the site of DNA replication and RNA synthesis (transcription). The Nucleus holds the blueprints for the whole cell

6 Endoplasmic Recticulum
Throughout the cell, is an enormous membrane called the endoplasmic reticulum, or ER for short. The ER membrane is a ribbon-like continuation of the outside of the nuclear membrane. It is also a nutrient transportation organelle.

7 Golgi Apparatus The Golgi apparatus, like the ER, is a series of folded membranes. It functions in producing proteins (such as enzymes) It is the source of the production of lysosomes

8 Lysosomes Membrane bound vesicles that contain digestive enzymes (proteins that break molecules like sugar or other proteins down) The membrane of a lysosome will fuse with the membrane of vacuoles releases these digestive enzymes to the interior of the vacuole to digest the material inside the vacuole.

9 Vacuoles These are membrane bound sacs that have many different functions. The central vacuole of a plant cell serves as a large lysosome. It may also function in absorbing water. The central vacuoles of flower petal cells may hold the pigments that give the flower its color.

10 Mitochondria Site of respiration: oxygen used to convert the chemical energy of sugars into the high-energy ATP molecules. Bound by a double membrane. The inner membrane is the folded (the folds are called cristae) Contain their own DNA

11 Label

12 Label

13 Chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are double membrane bound organelles
Site of photosynthesis Inner membrane forms a series of stacked plates called granum. These contain the pigments that absorb light energy.


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