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THE 11th INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION WOMEN'S SCHOOL “Equality Against Poverty” 24-25 Novemebr,2010, Brussels Agnieszka Ghinararu.

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Presentation on theme: "THE 11th INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION WOMEN'S SCHOOL “Equality Against Poverty” 24-25 Novemebr,2010, Brussels Agnieszka Ghinararu."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE 11th INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION WOMEN'S SCHOOL “Equality Against Poverty” 24-25 Novemebr,2010, Brussels Agnieszka Ghinararu

2 Project: Discrimination of women in the workplace in CEE & NIS TRAINING PROGRAM ITUC-PERC, ILO and Flemish Government

3 Project description ITUC/PERC-ILO Project Financed by the Flemish Government Discrimination of women in the workplace in CEE & NIS – Training program Strengthening of the CEE and NIS Women's Network operating within the ITUC/PERC, and national trade union women’s structures Duration: July 2008 – June 2010

4 Immediate objectives (1) Exchange of best practices and developing of the regional strategy and policies to combat against discrimination and to improve gender mainstreaming in collective negotiating; Developing of an educational kit on non- discrimination in the workplace and training of trainers on the basis of it;

5 Immediate objectives (2) Assist to the women’s groups, trade union leaders, experts and activists to understand better the problems raised by discrimination of women in the workplace and to raise awareness how to use collective negotiating and the other mechanisms and tools to improve their position.

6 List of main activities implemented Questionnaire on non-discrimination policies in TUs Manual – trainer’s kit on discrimination at the workplace 6 sub-regional seminars for trainers 9 th Women's School (Turin, 2008) 10 th Women’s School (Brussels, 2009) Evaluation and report

7 Questionnaire on non- discrimination policies in TUs (1) 24 organizations replied (plus 3 - came too late to be included); confederal level Results has been used in the manual and compared with the previous surveys on this issue

8 Questionnaire on non- discrimination policies in TUs (2) Main outcomes: -19(out of 24) confederations has a documents on non- discrimination policy (mostly on general level) -12 (out of 14) developed quite visible non- discrimination policies -There are still organisations ( ¼ of respondents) which think that TUs have nothing to do with non- discrimination policies as they have to protect all their members equally -main barriers within the union to fully implementing equality and diversity at work and within the union itself: leaders are men (13); TUs aren’t yet reformed enough (12); leaders don’t consider it important (7)

9 Manual: “From Prohibition of Discrimination to Promoting Equality. Manual for Trainers”: 1st KIT: ABC of Discrimination in the Workplace 2nd KIT: Social Partners to Act for Equality 3rd KIT: From Law to Action against Discrimination 4th KIT: International and European Standards on Discrimination 5th KIT: Stop Sexual Harassment at Work Attachment 1 - Guidelines: HOW TO find out if women are discriminated in your country - Attachment 2 - Basic Training Programme

10 Manual exists in the following languages: AlbanianBulgarianCroatian English (printed in 1500 copies) Hungarian Polish – finalized Romanian – finalized (in printing - 600 copies) Russian – finalized Slovak

11 Sub-regional trainings: 1.Baltic Central Europe – April,2010 (Poland/Solidarnosc) – 16 participant 2.South Eastern Europe – September,2009 (Montenegro/SSSCG) – 20 participants 3.East Europe – February,2010(Romania/CSDR– 20 participants 4.North Europe – March,2010 (Russia/FNPR) – 19 participants 5.Central Europe December,2009 (Hungary/MSZOSZ) – 18 participants 6.Caucasus & Central Asia – May,2010 (Georgia/GTUC) – 17 participants 110 trainers trained Some organizations didn’t participate

12 Written evaluation of the six sub- regional trainings TrainingManualMethodsTrainersAtmosphereOrganisationAims met SEE4.885.0 4.884.94 CEE4. East Europe4.944.88 4.834.77 North Europe4.784.89 4.644.78 Baltic4.504.314.814.374.684.37 Caucasus and CA 5.0 4.9 Average: 4.824.784.904.844.694.72

13 9 th Women's School, Turin 2008 Title: “Advancing gender equality and decent work for women” Subtopics: - -Reconciliation work, private and family life. Policies, instruments and guidelines for collective bargaining; - -Equal pay; - -Decent work and decent life for women -Harassment at work - Trade unions’ role in combating harassment in the workplace - -Gender Equality in the ILO Decent Work Agenda: Trade Union Perspective -Campaigning for the C 183 Maternity protection - -Strengthening the role and representation of worm in TUs -The Annual Conference of the Women’s Network Participants: 80 women from 26 countries

14 10 th Women's School, Brussels- 2009 Title: “Protecting dignity of women in the workplace – Decent work to confront the crisis” Subtopics: Women and the Economic Crisis Gender equality at the heart of decent work Representation of Women – annual report How to increase representation/influence of women in trade unions? Dignity in the Workplace – Mobbing Sexual Harassment at work New Forms of Discrimination in the Workplace The Annual Conference of the Women’s Network Participants: 39 women from 24 countries

15 Additional activities to be foreseen by women’s structures National seminars based on the manual and run by trainers trained on sub-regional trainings – for example in Azerbaijan Translation of the manual into national languages– for example: Bulgarian

16 Follow up? What your organization or/and your women’s structure did as a follow up to the Project? What your organization or/and your women’s structure did as a follow up to the Project?seminar(s) translation of the manual dissemination of the manual information about the Project’s results etc.

17 Plans for future activities What are your plans for the future activities?

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