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1 Dan Evans Assessment Administration and Reporting Office of Educational Assessment & Accountability Receiving Your Assessment Materials.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Dan Evans Assessment Administration and Reporting Office of Educational Assessment & Accountability Receiving Your Assessment Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Dan Evans Assessment Administration and Reporting Office of Educational Assessment & Accountability Receiving Your Assessment Materials

2 2 What’s New this year The District, Teacher and School ID sheets are replaced with a Class/Group ID Sheet and a School Header Sheet. The Teacher Return Envelope is replaced with a School Return Envelope. Paper strips will no longer be necessary to bundle envelopes, and will not be provided.

3 3 The formerly named “Coordinator and Assessment Administrator Manual” is now the “2010/2011 Test Administrator Manual.” The Return of Materials Packet has been replaced with a Materials Return Kit. What’s New this year

4 4 In addition to the UPS/RS labels, districts will also be provided with additional labels to adhere to their packages when returning materials to the contractor. These labels are called MI-Access Material Return Labels and are being provided to assist the contractor in identifying and processing packages. These labels will be included in the Materials Return Kit along with accompanying instructions. What’s New this year

5 5 Arrival of Materials One shipment of materials, including assessment booklets, scan documents, and pre-ID labels. Materials to arrive in districts week of September 27 (two weeks before testing). Be sure materials are inventoried by school coordinators and any packing list discrepancies reported to 877-560-8378 option 4.

6 6 Shipment Packaging Materials will be shipped to districts, but will be packaged by school. Each school box will be shipped separately and will have its own tracking information. Please check the OEAA Secure Site for details about the number of boxes your district will receive.

7 7 Shipment Contents The district and school boxes will contain all materials needed to administer the assessments, including: Standard print booklets Accommodated versions Student answer documents Preprinted pre-ID barcode labels

8 8 Shipment Contents Note: Preprinted student barcode labels will be provided to districts that pre-identified their students by September 16, 2010. Districts must continue to pre-ID their students after this date and print labels locally.

9 9 Shipment Contents District boxes will contain: Cover Letter District packing slip Copies of school packing slips Security Compliance Forms

10 10 Shipment Contents District boxes will contain: Materials Return Kit that includes: UPS/RS labels, MI-Access Material Return Label, packing checklist, and divider sheets.

11 11 Cover Letter Explains materials enclosed in each shipment Explains materials enclosed in each shipment

12 12 District and School Packing Slips Use to inventory materials

13 13 Shipment Contents School boxes will contain: School Packing Slip Standard print forms Accommodated versions Student answer documents P/SI picture cards Rulers

14 14 School boxes will contain : Preprinted Pre-ID barcode labels* Class/Group ID Sheets School Header Sheet School Return Envelope Security Compliance Forms *For students pre-identified in the OEAA Secure Site by September 16, 2010. Shipment Contents

15 15 Shipment Contents IMPORTANT!! School Coordinators should inventory materials using the school packing slip.

16 16 Shipment Contents An overage of most materials has been included in the school box, which should reduce the need for additional materials. Contact the District Coordinator if any materials are missing and/or if additional materials are required.

17 17 Security Compliance Forms Security Compliance Forms (SCF) are to be: Completed by all coordinators, primary and shadow administrators Kept on file for one year by the MI-Access District Coordinator

18 18 Returning Materials After Testing

19 19 No Missing Pre-ID Barcode Labels, Please! All student answer documents returned for scanning and scoring must have pre-ID barcode labels. Fees will be assessed for answer documents with missing barcode labels…More about this later.

20 20 Ship no later than December 3, 2010. Return of Materials to Questar

21 21 Don’t Be Late!  Please be sure to ship materials by December 3 to ensure your students’ answer documents are processed and scored.  Districts will be assessed financial and other penalties for late materials.

22 22 Return of Materials to Questar Ensure scorable answer documents are placed in the School Return Envelope with a School Header sheet. School assessment materials should be organized and packaged in the box in which they were received. Ensure School Return Envelopes are shipped with School Header sheet.

23 23 Return of Materials to Questar School materials must be sent to the District Coordinator (see manual for details). They SHOULD NOT BE SENT directly to Questar. The District Coordinator will ship all district materials to Questar.

24 24 Return of Materials to Questar There will be one UPS/RS label per school box. However, districts may place school boxes in a larger box so they are shipped together, if desired. Use the Material Return Labels (tan) to mark the boxes for returning.

25 25 Fees 2010-2011 Dan Evans Assessment Analyst for Students with Disabilities Office of Educational Assessment & Accountability

26 26 Fees for 2010-2011  Student answer documents returned without a Pre-ID label will have a label affixed by the contractor at a cost of $10 per document.  If a label cannot be affixed by the contractor, the document will not be scored.

27 27 Fee Schedule

28 28 IMPORTANT COMMUNICATIONS OEAA sends important emails to District MI- Access Coordinators throughout the administration cycle. Ensure your contact information, particularly email address, is updated and accurate in EEM (Educational Entity Master).

29 29 IMPORTANT COMMUNICATIONS Ensure your district’s IT professional confirms you can receive these emails and attachments.

30 Contact Information Call 1-877-560-8378 option 4 Call 1-877-560-8378 option 4

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