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Ibd Instant Bloomberg Dealing CROATIA,

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Presentation on theme: "Ibd Instant Bloomberg Dealing CROATIA,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ibd Instant Bloomberg Dealing CROATIA, 10. 05
Ibd Instant Bloomberg Dealing CROATIA, Igor Masa – sales Account Manager JOANA POPOVA- IBD Specialist, CEE 1

2 Bloomberg Electronic Trading
Today Fixed Income ET Electronic execution Voice confirmation of trades Equity/Exchange traded products trading FX and money market trading tools: 4 different venues: Trading Grid RFQ Trade Affirmation IBD

3 Bloomberg In Croatia Market Growth Exposure to FX/MM desks.
Localisation of the product: Bond Auction platform – adopted Repo RFQ - launching this quarter

4 What is IBD (Instant Bloomberg Dealing)?
Developed in collaboration with major international banks. Chat Based FX/MM Trading tool connecting front office users (FX spot, FX forwards, deposits, FX swaps, bank notes). Full trade workflow: execution, ticketing, back office , automated print, blotter holding history of trades. Integration within OMS for automated STP.


6 2 1 3 Simple Workflow 1. Call out for a price
2. Capture and book trade 3. of trade ticket and chat transcript 1 2 3

7 Post Trade Workflow FX TRADE BLOTTER Front-office users can view booked trades in the FX Trade Blotter alongside other FXGO trading activity for their deal code. From the blotter, trade details can be viewed and the chat transcript can be accessed. STP (straight through processing) of booked trades into the risk management and/or back-office system of the institution can also be provided. AUDIT AND COMPLIANCE SOLUTIONS Through the IBD Post Trade blotter, middle- and back-office users can view and verify the chat transcripts of the front-office traders to ensure all chat-based trades have been booked correctly. Users are able to open the IBD chat record and view the chat transcript and trade details (if available). After review, users can update the status of the IBD chat

8 Why IBD? Part of the Bloomberg Professional Service at
NO ADDITIONAL COST. Simple interface in a familiar environment. Integrated with the rest of the Bloomberg system.

9 Bigger Picture Full treasury workflow.
Core terminal data and analytics, news, chat, trading systems. All-in-one licence.

10 Thank you for your attention!

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