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Flipping French: A Middle School Experience Action Research Project!

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Presentation on theme: "Flipping French: A Middle School Experience Action Research Project!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Flipping French: A Middle School Experience Action Research Project!

2 Action Research: What did I do?

3 My Philosophy  Create your own lessons - your personal touch.  Change your role. You are now the coach, tutor and expert  Give students choice = Differentiate  Be flexible

4 WHY FLIP TEACHING & PROJECT-BASED LEARNING?  Lessons are learned at the student’s own pace  Former Homework is done at the start of class: only minutes are used  Students choose projects for learning in-depth that  (1) interest them;  (2) are based on individual learning styles;  (3) allow them to learn individually or in groups; and (4) that frees up the teacher for focused “tutoring” time in class.

5 Students pick a project Whether working alone... Or in a group... Students work according to their own learning styles!


7 The Choice Board: Students pick from the board A Create a play, puppet show, or film B Write a story & make it into a presentation C Complete book activities & write a review D Create an online movie critic show E Create a comic strip F Make, give & express results of a survey

8 Differentiation: A Learning Center for Exploring French Literature Toni Theisen, Communiqué (6) retrieved from

9 Students have and follow their rubrics

10 My schedule for a flipped class  Each day starts with a Review Opening Activity or quiz (on vocabulary or structure)  Each day then continues with student project work  Your role: EXPERT ~ relax, interact, teach, support, and enjoy the engagement of your class

11 My Action Research Project  Who: 7 th Grade French Students  F-Block Flipped (after standard instruction)  B-Block all standard Instruction

12 The data... Students completed a survey about their use of time on activities and homework.

13 Question 1:  Did students have access to the Internet from home?  If not, could Internet access be provided?

14 Student Internet Access  In the seventh grade ALL students reported regular access to the Internet via some method.  Students had access in the following ways:  Home computers  iPods  Smartphones  Tablets  Kindle Fire  When students arrive in class, the lesson is projected on the board while I check homework completion.

15 Question 2:  Would class behavioral interventions be changed by flipping?  Points assigned for:  Warnings  Detentions  Sent to office  Calls Home

16 Homework completion & behavioral intervention

17 Questions 3 & 4:  Would student performance change on standard quizzes for language structure?  Would student performance change on writing prompts?

18 Student Quizzes & Writing

19 What online tools can I use?  Wikispaces (mine is   Blogs (e.g or  Google Docs  Moodle     And many more  (see Beach R., et. al. Teaching Writing Using Blogs, wikis, and other digital tools)

20 Thanks for looking at my research.

21 Questions?  About the lessons?  About making your own presentations?  About using a wiki?  About projects?  About assessments ~ projects, rubrics, tests...  QU’EST-CE QUE VOUS EN PENSEZ? Ellen Dill, professeur de français, AMS 2012

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