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Welcome! 2014-2015 First Grade Curriculum Night Meadowdale Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! 2014-2015 First Grade Curriculum Night Meadowdale Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! 2014-2015 First Grade Curriculum Night Meadowdale Elementary

2 Who’s Who… First Grade Teaching Team Carole Saysanith Chris Den Adel Jennifer Ekstrom Principal Assistant Principal

3 School Hours and Schedule * School starts at 8:40 and ends at 3:10.  All students being picked up will meet their parents in the front of the school or in the playfields.

4 Where to go in the morning… Students meet their teacher in the commons at their assigned tables. Please wait there for the teacher each morning.

5 The Parking Lot… If you need to park, please use the parking lot at the Playfields.

6 Buses… Only buses are allowed in the back parking lot.

7 Health Information… All medicine requires a note from a doctor (including cough drops) and must be administered in the office and not by teachers.

8 Volunteers… To volunteer to help at school or on field trips, you must fill out a Washington State Patrol Form and sign in at the office.

9 Recess… All students have 2 recesses each day. Please make sure they bring a jacket each day.

10 Lunch… Work with your child to memorize their lunch number.

11 Sending in Lunch Money…. 3 Choices 1. Add money to their lunch account online, 2. Send in a check for the amount of your choice to the office. Remember to write your child’s lunch number on it. 3. Send in cash in a bag with their name on it. 8/15/2015

12 Field Trips… *First grade classes will be going to Yost Park (Fall) Seattle Art Museum (Winter) Woodland Park Zoo (Spring) And… possibly a play

13 Family Information… Please make sure to keep the school informed of current phone numbers in case of an emergency.

14 Birthdays… We will recognize your child’s special day by singing Happy Birthday and they will each receive a special birthday banner. No food is allowed as part of a birthday celebration. (Per district regulation).

15 Toys…

16 “G.O. Binder”  Goes home, to be returned daily  Includes a reading level graph, a spelling/phonics record sheet, and  1 folder; 1 side for homework, the other for finished work.  Pocket in front of binder holds Parent- Papers (Teacher notes, Booster Club, Field trip forms, Newsletters)It can also be used to send notes to your child’s teacher. 8/15/2015

17 Homework… Reading: 1. Read nightly (5x/wk)/Sign reading calendar each time your child reads. 2. Practice sight word list. 3. Practice spelling words. Math: 1. Nightly math page Mon-Thurs 2. Practice addition and subtraction math facts.

18 Report cards… Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Beginning Approaching Standard

19 Parent/Teacher Conferences…  Conferences are scheduled for October 27-31 and March 11-12  Students will attend school on these days from 8:40-11:40.

20 Reading…..  Ability Grouped and Walk to Read  Benchmark Curriculum  *Word work (phonics)  Sight words  Comprehension lessons  Sign your child’s reading calendar  Practice reading sight word lists  Spelling tests weekly  Raz-Kids

21 Language Arts….  Handwriting  Writer’s Workshop (narratives, informational writing, fact/opinion)  Grammar  Journals  Speaking and Listening

22 Math…  Curriculum – Math Expressions  Parent and Student Resources for Math Expressions available at  Unit tests  Nightly homework   Math Facts

23 Science….  Foss Kits  Solids and Liquids Kit  Air and Weather Kit  Hands on experiments  Science journals

24 Life Long Learning Skills…  Respect  Cooperation  Responsibility  Problem Solving-Decision Making  Reflection/Self Awareness  Independent Work 8/15/2015

25 How YOU Can Help Your Child…  Listen to your child read, and read to your child nightly. Talk about the books you’re reading. (Sign the reading calendar)  First Grade Sight Word List  Practice Weekly Spelling words  Help complete daily math homework  Help study addition and subtraction flashcards  Volunteer

26 First Grade Website….  adowdale/jekstrom/index.php adowdale/jekstrom/index.php


28 Supplies Please bring in supplies next Tuesday from 5-6 pm at Meet the Teacher night!


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