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Company Confidential Info Exchange Workflow Examples for External Users: Action Items Company Confidential.

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Presentation on theme: "Company Confidential Info Exchange Workflow Examples for External Users: Action Items Company Confidential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company Confidential Info Exchange Workflow Examples for External Users: Action Items Company Confidential

2 Action Item Workflow through InfoExchange 2 Internal User Assigns Action Item External User Receives Notification Newforma Project Center Info Exchange Internal User Receives Update to Action Items

3 Company Confidential Step 1 – On Newforma Project Center 3 Internal User (Howard Roark) Creates an Action Item for External User (Peter Keating)

4 Company Confidential Internal User Creates Action Item 4 Howard creates an action item for Peter Keating by selecting the Identify an Action Item task, completing the form. He selects, “Send change notification email” so Peter receives an email notification

5 Company Confidential Step 2 – On Info Exchange 5 External User (Peter Keating) receives an email notification

6 Company Confidential External User Receives Notification 6 Peter receives an email from Howard about the action item. Peter can respond to the email for the action item. He can also log into Info Exchange to track action items.

7 Company Confidential External User Logs into Info Exchange 7

8 Company Confidential Assignees See Open Action Items on Info Exchange 8 Click the project link to view Open Items for the project

9 Company Confidential View Open Items for the Project 9 Click the project link to view Open Items for the project

10 Company Confidential Assignees See Action Item Logs on Info Exchange 10 Peter can also select the Action Items menu option to view all action items filtering to view open, closed, etc.

11 Company Confidential Select the Action Item Subject 11 Peter can select an action item to see the contents of the action item

12 Company Confidential Assignees View the Action Item Contents 12 After viewing the action item, Peter can send an email message OR he can respond to the email

13 Company Confidential Send an Email from Info Exchange 13 After completing the email message, he selects Send to send it to Howard

14 Company Confidential Step 3 – On Newforma Project Center 14 Internal User (Howard Roark) Receives Action Item Email

15 Company Confidential Internal User Receives Notification 15 Either way, Howard will receive a tagged email from Peter which he can file into Newforma Project Center. Since this action item is complete, he will File and Edit the action item so he can close it.

16 Company Confidential Action Item Is Complete 16 Howard can select Completed to close the action item.

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