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Team composition & roles and responsibilities Quick Feed Project.

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1 Team composition & roles and responsibilities Quick Feed Project

2 Site and tool teams  3 site teams  one for each project site  4 tool teams  one each Livelihood, FEAST, TechFit and VCA

3 Site team: Kulumsa ARC  Project site and focus:  Bekoji Negeso (kebele), Limu Bilbilo (woreda), Arsi (zone)  Dairy cows  Project team:  Mesay Yami (socio-economics) - Team Leader  Teklemedhin Teklehaimanot (fodder and livestock)  Tarekegu Itana (technician, socio-economics)  Eshetu Lemma (technician, socio-economics)

4 Site team: Sinana ARC  Project site and focus:  Selka Bekeye (sub kebele), Selka (kebele), Sinana (woreda), Bale (zone)  Sheep production  Project team :  Dawit Abate (feeds unit) – Team Leader  Sultan Osman (socio-economics)  Teklu Wagi (technician, feeds unit)  Aliye Kedu (technician, feeds unit)  Sisaye Belete (technician, feeds unit)

5 Site team: Bako ARC  Project site and focus:  XXX (kebele), XXX (wareda), Bako (zone) – to be confirmed by Aynalem and Abate  Sheep production  Project team: - to be confirmed by Aynalem and Abate  Gemeda Duguma (sheep production) – Team Leader  Kifle XXX (socio-economist)  Alemayehu Kumsa (feeds)  XXXX (technician)

6 Tool teams  Livelihood tool development - at Arsi  Peter Thorne – Team Leader  Amare Haileslassie  Gerba Leta  Arsi site team  FEAST (all sites)  Jane Wamatu, ICARDA – Team Leader  Abate Tedla  Adugna Tolera (back-stopping)  Site teams

7 Tool teams (#2)  TechFit (all sites)  Adugna Tolera– Team Leader  Abate Tedla  Jane Wamatu (back-stopping)  Site teams  Value Chain Analysis (all sites)  Getachew Legesse – Team Leader  Aynalem Haile, ICARDA  Site teams

8 Roles and responsibilities  Aynalem Haile, ICARDA  Co-project leader with oversight of project activities?  Member of the VCA team, participate in field work and provide animal science expertise  With Abate, travel to Bako ARC to discuss the project with the Center Director and identify a suitable project site

9  Jane Wamatu  Team leader for FEAST with responsibility for implementation and reporting of FEAST results at the 3 project sites (total of 9 FEASTs)  Training of project partners in conducting the FEAST tool and writing of FEAST reports  Lead the field work at the 3 sites (5 days /site including draft report)  Lead report writing of FEAST outputs  Back-stopping TechFit

10 Roles and responsibilities #2  Adugna Tolera  Team leader for TechFit with responsibility for implementation and reporting of TechFit results at the 3 project sites (total of 9 TechFits)  Training of project partners in conducting the TechFit tool and writing of Techfit reports  Lead the field work at the 3 sites (5 days /site including draft report)  Lead report writing of Techfit outputs  Lead collection of further data on feed price and quality at project sites to further populate the database being put together under ELF  Back-stopping FEAST

11 Roles and responsibilities #3  Getachew Legesse, Value Chain Consultant  Team leader for VCA with responsibility for implementation and reporting of the VCA results at the 3 project sites (total of 3 VCAs)  Training of project partners in conducting the VCA tool and writing of VCA reports  Lead the field work at the 3 sites (5 days /site including draft report)  Lead report writing of VCA outputs

12 Roles and responsibilities #4  Peter Thorne  Team leader for development of the livelihood assessment tool in Arsi  Responsible for leading fieldwork and reporting  Amare Haileslassie  Member of the Livelihood team  Responsible for making arrangements for livelihood tool in Arsi  Participate in the field work and discussion during the livelihood tool development  Support Peter in reporting  We may expand role to include feed resource assessment depending on outputs from ELF project.  Gerba Leta  Member of the Livelihood team  Participate in the field work and discussion during the livelihood tool development

13 Roles and responsibilities #5  Werner Stür  Contribute to the inception and synthesis workshops  Assist with planning and work plan development  With Abate, travel to Kulumsa ARC and Sinana ARC to discuss the project with Center Directors and identify suitable project sites  Assist Alan with preparing reports as required by the donor  Review suggestion for improvement from FEAST, VCA and TechFit tools

14 Roles and responsibilities #6  Alan Duncan  Overall coordination and responsibility for the project

15 Work plan ActivityWhen Who is responsible Visit to ARCs and field sites to: 1)Discuss the project with ARC Directors, Zonal and Woreda Heads to obtain their support for staff and activities 2)Confirm sites for research 3)Decide stratification for FEAST and TechFit 10-14 May (Kulumsa and Sinana) 16-18 May (Bako) Abate and Werner Abate and Aynalem Prepare budgets and research agreements for EIAR and OARI, and send out for comments 15-16 MayAbate, Werner and Alan

16 ActivityWhen Who is responsible Livelihood Stratification in Kulumsa resulting in 3 livelihood strata -Approval and arrangements16-18 MayAmare, Peter -Training of team in Kulumsa1 JunePeter, Gerba -Focus group (15 people) to identify livelihood indicators 4 June (3 hours) Peter, Amare, Gerba -Prepare questionnaires4 June (afternoon) Peter, Amare, Gerba -Household survey (30 HH)5-7 June (3 days) Peter, Amare, Gerba -Select grouping + feedback meeting with focus group 8 JunePeter, Amare, Gerba

17 ActivityWhen Who is responsible Decide if livelihood stratification will be done in Bako or a different kind of stratification should be used; e.g. by production system 11 June Peter, Amare, Gerba, Jane, Abate, Alan Training course on FEAST, TechFit and VCA 18-20 JuneJane, Adugna, Getachew

18 ActivityWhen Who is responsible Carry out FEAST and TechFit at 3 sites: 3 groups/site 5 days/site (preparation + 3 days fieldwork + 2 days draft report) FEAST and TechFit teams  Sinana2-6 July  Kulumsa8-12 July  Bako18-22 July Carry out VCA at 3 sites: 5 days/site (preparation + 5 days field work per site including draft report; follow up field work by site teams) VCA team  Bako2-6 July  Sinana16-20 July  Kulumsa22-26 July

19 ActivityWhen Who is responsible Follow-up field activities and report writing July / August Site teams with support from tool team leaders ‘Write-shop’ with site teams coming to ILRI to finalise reports with tool team leaders 13-16 August (2 days for FEAST/TechFit and 2 days for VCA reports) Tool team leaders + site teams Editing of reports17 Aug – 2 Sep Jane, Adugna, Getachew Synthesis workshop3-4 September Alan, Werner, Abate Submission of financial reports by EIAR and OARI 10 SeptemberEIAR and OARI Report writing for ILRI and USAIDSeptemberWerner, Alan, Aynalem

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