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1 Building knowledge repositories: partnership of sectors Lucy A. Tedd, Lecturer, Department of Information Studies, Aberystwyth University Editor: Program:

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Presentation on theme: "1 Building knowledge repositories: partnership of sectors Lucy A. Tedd, Lecturer, Department of Information Studies, Aberystwyth University Editor: Program:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Building knowledge repositories: partnership of sectors Lucy A. Tedd, Lecturer, Department of Information Studies, Aberystwyth University Editor: Program: electronic library and information systems February 2008

2 2 Sectors: Museums, Archives and Libraries Museums …make a vital contribution to the education, tourism and to the social and cultural identity of a nation Archives are a nation’s memory, reflecting its history and national identity Libraries are major providers of information and knowledge Matthew Evans, Chair Re:Source, Re:Source News 1 70.pdf

3 3 What is/was Re:Source Re:Source: the Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries was set up in the UK in 2000 following 1997 Labour Government decision to create a new strategic organisation to advise on the ways in which museums, archives and libraries could work together so that their invaluable contribution could be developed and sustained. Brought together previous bodies such as the Libraries and Information Commission, Museums and Galleries Commission

4 4 Museums, Libraries and Archives Partnership in UK in 2008 In 2004 the Museums, Libraries and Archives (MLA) Council replaced Re:Source and became a body responsible for partnership only within England. Nine regional MLAs were also set up in England in 2004

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7 7 Role of national bodies In many countries the National Library, the National Gallery or the National Museum acts as a focal point for developing knowledge repositories and digital information sources related to cultural heritage, and so develop relevant expertise.

8 8 Some digital knowledge repositories from national bodies British Library – Turning the Pages – digitised versions of its ‘Treasures’ Library of Congress, US – Memory of America National Library of Malaysia – Sirih Pinang – Malaysian Heritage The National Archives, UK – migration records hives/migration.htm?homepage=fr-bt27 hives/migration.htm?homepage=fr-bt27 State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg html

9 9 Some examples

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14 14 Collaboration between national bodies internationally e.g. Exhibition held at the National Library of Australia in early 2002 on Treasures from 38 of the world’s great libraries. It pays tribute to the unique role played by libraries in collecting and preserving the history and culture of the world. It is fitting that in our centenary year the National Library has undertaken such a comprehensive, innovative and exciting project. E-exhibition still available at: tml

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16 16 Collaboration between national bodies within a nation Gathering the Jewels in Wales Aim: to put the cream of Wales' cultural history, from repositories throughout Wales, on the Internet for people to learn from and enjoy.

17 17 Consortium involved National Library of Wales Society of Chief Librarians (Wales) National Museums and Galleries of Wales Federation of Welsh Museums Archives Council Wales Royal Commission of Ancient and Historic Monuments Wales Council of Museums in Wales Wales Higher Education Libraries Forum Welsh County Archivists Group

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19 19 Government-funded initiatives Peoples Network 1999-2004. Initially aimed at developing infrastructure to enable ALL public libraries in the UK to access the Internet, also monies for staff training and digitisation of materials from local archives and museums. Now further developed provide all access to “Enquire, Discover, Read”

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21 21 Ask about Ireland Ask About Ireland - developed from research on digitisation of local studies materials in libraries and museums across Ireland. An initiative of An Chomhairle Leabharlanna and funded by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.

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23 23 MICHAEL – Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe To provide access to cultural heritage resources. -Enable sustainable management for the project to continue. -Endorsement and implementation at a national government level, in order to underpin further funding as required. A methodology and technical platform, which makes it easy to add new national instances

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25 25 Unesco Memory of the World Launched in 1992 to encourage the preservation and dissemination of heritage and archive holdings reflecting the diversity of languages, peoples and cultures around the world.

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27 27 ‘Collaboration’ within national bodies e.g. National Library of Wales Collections: 5,000,000 printed items 25,000 manuscripts 15km. of archives 800,000 photographs 1,500,000 maps 150,000 sound recordings 250,000 hours of moving image

28 28 Digital Developments Section 41 staff About 50% permanent posts – aim to gain inhouse experience and expertise. Digitisation budget for 2007/8 £2.3m Early work started in 1995 Digitisation strategy I 2001-4 Digitisation strategy II 2005 Arwel Jones, article in Program 42(2), 2008

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30 30 Vision: Theatre of Memory - 2007 “The Theatre of Memory will make freely available, to be searched and read by anyone on the internet, the printed record of Wales and the Welsh. Its aim is to lay bare the memory of our country as if in a theatre, so that it is seen, as it were at a glance, by anyone in the giant auditorium that is the World Wide Web.” ( ts/pdf/theatre_of_memory.pdf) ts/pdf/theatre_of_memory.pdf

31 31 Some lessons learnt at NLW Balance of metadata creation and digitisation needs to be considered at all times Analogue interpretation and contextualisation is not appropriate for online presentation Copyright, will, as always, be crucial to online presentations Increasingly, if material does not exist electronically it might as well not exist at all. Important to place digitisation at the heart of the Library’s activities.

32 32 CyMAL: Museums Archives Libraries Wales Established April 2004 Policy division of Welsh Assembly Govt.

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34 34 Initial work programme: To enable MALs to extend access to improved information services and collections in Wales for all To support MALs in providing a broad range of learning experiences, using collections, resources and services

35 35 Initial work programme (cont.) To improve the management and quality of services offered by MALs in Wales To involve a wide range of stakeholders to deliver cross- cutting agendas

36 36 Some projects funded Community Archives Wales ?p=82#more-82 Route to your Roots nglish/intro.htm

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39 39.. And finally Inspiring Learning for All “Learning is now high on local, regional and national agendas. Inspiring Learning for All will transform the way in which museums, archives and libraries deliver and engage users in learning.” http://www.inspiringlearningforall.go

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41 41 Thank you

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