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Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development Evelyn Mamman, Director, Title I and Supplemental Education, Interim.

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Presentation on theme: "Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development Evelyn Mamman, Director, Title I and Supplemental Education, Interim."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development Evelyn Mamman, Director, Title I and Supplemental Education, Interim Language Arts Supervisor New Brunswick School District Walter J. Cmielewski, Language Arts Consultant, Professor, Caldwell University

2  What is Job-embedded professional development?  Teacher Learning  Day to day teaching practice  Designed to infuse best practices into the classroom Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development

3 “Up-Front” Training Workshops Classroom Visits and On-site P.D. Consistent Format and Approaches

4 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development “Up-Front” Training Workshops Writing  Quick Writes  Writer’s Workshop  Portfolios  Pre-Writing Graphic Organizers

5 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development “Up-Front” Training Workshops Reading  Jump-in Reading and Pointed Reading  Reader’s Workshop  Guided Reading  Literature Circles  Focus on higher order questions  Wait Times

6 Classroom visits and On-site P.D. Demo Lessons and Debriefing Classroom Visits to Observe Lesson and Debriefing Common Planning Time Meetings Building Reading Specialists as On-site Resources Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development

7 Consistent Format and Approaches The structures are identical in all buildings. Transient population Vertical and horizontal articulation Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development

8 Quick Writes are do-now’s, two-minute writing based on a single word.  Shared with a partner  Shared by nomination with the class

9 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development Let’s try a quick write….. The word is ______________. Go!

10 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development WRITER’S WORKSHOP  Status of the Class  Teacher calls each student to ascertain his/her plan for the workshop.  Choices: SSR/SSW – Sustained Silent Reading/Writing Teacher conference Partner conference Sharing time  Mini-lesson Procedural Motivational Skills  SSR/SSW and Teacher Conferences and Partner Conferences These occur concurrently.  Dialog Journal (Reader’s Workshop only) Students write about what they read in SSR and pass the dialog journal to the teacher or a classmate for his/her response.  Sharing Time Students share with the entire class about their reading/writing from that day

11 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development PORTFOLIO PROGRAM  Works in Progress Folder Work student is presently working on Student can retire a piece and hold onto it and go onto a different piece.  Classroom Portfolio Completed and graded student work that was not chosen for the traveling portfolio.  Traveling Portfolio Contents of a traveling portfolio: 4 marking period pieces Cover sheet- “Why This Piece Belongs in My Portfolio” Letter written to next year’s teacher at the end of the school year. The letter should state the following: What they like about reading and writing. What they are struggling with What they are good at 5 point state rubric Teacher circles appropriate indicators relevant to the student as a writer for the year.

12 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development Graphic Organizer for Narrative Writing The “Secret Planner”

13 “Secret Planner” 1 Character 2 Setting 3 Problem 4 Solution Beginning 1 & 2 Middle 3 End 4

14 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development The 3 Wait Times

15 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development Wait Time 1 The teacher asks a questions and waits. No hands until the signal is given.

16 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development Wait Time 2 The student responds and the teacher waits.

17 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development Wait Time 3 A student asks a question, and the teacher waits.

18 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development Jump-in Reading  Students read passage silently in class or at home first  Teacher begins oral reading and any student may jump in and teacher jumps out  Other students jump in and out as well as the teacher  Teacher jumps in on proficient readers and struggling readers to prevent stigmatizing the struggling reader

19 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development Pointed Reading  This activity follows Jump-in Reading.  Teacher selects a favorite word or phrase and points to it and asks the students to do the same  Students and teacher begin to call out their favorites  Even if someone has taken yours, you still call out yours and anyone can call theirs again and again

20 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development READER’S WORKSHOP  Status of the Class Teacher calls each student to ascertain his/her plan for the workshop. Choices: SSR/SSW – Sustained Silent Reading/Writing Teacher conference Partner conference Sharing time  Mini-lesson Procedural Motivational Skills  SSR/SSW and Teacher Conferences and Partner Conferences (These occur concurrently.)  Dialog Journal (Reader’s Workshop only) Students write about what they read in SSR and pass the dialog journal to the teacher or a classmate for his/her response.  Sharing Time  Students share with the entire class about their reading/writing from that day

21 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development GUIDED READING  1. Picture Walk (1-2 minutes)  2. Oral Reading by Teacher (10 minutes)  3. Mini Lesson (5 -7 minutes)  4. Whisper Reading by students (5 minutes)  5. Retelling by Students (2 minutes)  6. Follow-up Activities  7. Optional Extension Activities

22 Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development LITERATURE CIRCLES  These are cooperative learning reading groups in which each participant has an assigned role/task. The six roles/tasks are:  Discussion Director: Creates questions which evoke a discussion  Summarizer: Captures the main points of the reading done previously  Illustrator: Creates an illustration which evokes discussion  Connector: Makes connections to life or other literary works  Word Wizard: Selects vocabulary in context for students to discuss  Passage Picker: Selects passage which illustrate descriptive language or figures of speech

23 The Ladder and the Building The Manager and the Leader Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development

24 A manager sees the ladder leaning against a building and makes sure that the ladder is safe, no splinters, no loose rungs, etc. Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development

25 A leader makes sure the ladder is leaning against the right building. Delivering High Quality Instruction through Job-Embedded Professional Development

26 Thanks for being such a great audience! Evelyn Mammon New Brunswick Public Schools Dr. Walter J. Cmielewski Caldwell University

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