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“Drop your own” Awareness raising campaign for the propagation of selective waste collection in Hungary.

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Presentation on theme: "“Drop your own” Awareness raising campaign for the propagation of selective waste collection in Hungary."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Drop your own” Awareness raising campaign for the propagation of selective waste collection in Hungary


3 WHY? Quantity of waste, especially the packing waste is continuously growing Active cooperation of the average people, the government and the municipalities is necessary to stop the tendency Awareness raising: take responsibility for your environment (state gives the infrastructure,citizen should live with the possibility

4 WHAT? “Waste Revolution” -a revolution against waste. professional background work (administrative judiciary tasks, etc.) an intensive awareness-raising campaign to reach citizens in a new, revolutionary way: direct, no bureaucracy An umbrella communication that unites the messages, the most actual and most pressing topics of the Ministry under its logo and slogan using the below described communication tools Topics : selective waste collection of packing waste, medicine, electronic waste, batteries, and the image-building of EU investments. Target groups: adults, between 18-39, with higher level degrees (college, university), who are living in bigger towns and whose financial status is better than the average

5 WHAT? Communication tools 7 TV spots 30-35 seconds, 4 packing material (plastic, paper, glass, metal (tin)), 1electronic and electrical waste. 1 battery and accumulator 1 medicine Microsite ( relevant information, technical and professional background information on waste management. Two remarkable banners “mini factory” demonstrate the procedure of plastic recycling. a link to the prize game (educating, entertaining game about selective waste collection) POS tools specific shops (electronic shops, pharmacies), waste collection spots, stickers,

6 OBJECTIVES Environmental protection objectives increase the number of participants taking active part in selective waste collection in the field of electronic waste collection the aim is to rise the amount rate of gathered and recycled electronic waste for 3kg per person in 2006 the medicine accumulated at homes should be gathered and made harmless through the pharmacy system Communication objectives familiarization of the importance of selective waste management in a wide range of the population making the regulation clear concerning different type of waste management (electronic, medicine, batteries) strengthening the image of the Ministry

7 DROP YOUR OWN! One slogan, one logo unites the message The slogan will be adapted in further campaigns Message: You can always add sg. to everybody’s success We made the 1st step, you should do the next

8 WHEN? Campaign was running in 3 different period 1st: before Christmas till the end of January (4 spots-high season for extra waste production 2nd block as a reminding period (5 spots)in April 3rd: september (7 spots)

9 FEEDBACK Direct Customer service received hundreds of emails and letters from the citizens (+ and – comments, helping our future work) Companies of the waste management field have also marked that the messages of the campaign was creative, remarkable and cooperation purpose was signed Indirect : survey

10 Survey results obtained Before and after the campaign a survey was carried out before more than 57% of the population said that they have knowledge about the opportunities of selective waste management but do not use After: this data reduced to 21% as a result of the campaign The spreading of information and messages is also successful Before: 45% of the questioned people did not know how many people can use the selective waste spots After: there is a reduction to 29%. According to media poll, the TV spots reached 83,1% of the target group. During the campaign there were more than 42.067.104 download from the microsite and banners.


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