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GS/PPAL 6200 3.00 Section N Research Methods and Information Systems February 10, 2015 Professor Brenda Spotton Visano Office: 130 McLaughlin Voice Mail:

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Presentation on theme: "GS/PPAL 6200 3.00 Section N Research Methods and Information Systems February 10, 2015 Professor Brenda Spotton Visano Office: 130 McLaughlin Voice Mail:"— Presentation transcript:

1 GS/PPAL 6200 3.00 Section N Research Methods and Information Systems February 10, 2015 Professor Brenda Spotton Visano Office: 130 McLaughlin Voice Mail: (416) 736-2100 ext. 20470 E-mail:

2 Agenda Review of last class Qualitative Research: – Process – Assessing Quality – Ethnography and the Interview Assignment #2 Instructions Preparing for Quantitative Analysis Return and Discussion of Assignment #1

3 Qualitative Research Features: – Inductive – specific to the general – Interpretivist – seek to understand a phenomenon through others’ interpretations – Naturalistic – minimize disturbances to social phenomenon studied Methods: – Ethnography/Participant observation – Interviews: structured/semi-structured/unstructured – Focus groups (semi-structured format) – Discourse analysis – Textual analysis

4 Process 1.Pose General Research Questions 2.Select Sample 3.Collect Data 4.Interpret Data 5.Generalize (Refine 1. Research Question, 3. Collect further data) 6.Conclude 7.Write Up Findings

5 Assessing Quality of Qualitative Research Reliability and Validity (Construct, Internal, External) Relevance? Or Trustworthiness and Authenticity? Reliability: can we replicate?  Dependability Construct Validity: subjective?  Objectivity Internal Validity: Impressionistic and subjective?  Credibility External Validity: can we generalize?  Transferability

6 Ethnography and Participant Observation Role of Researcher: Participant … Participant- observer … Non-participant - observer Overt/Covert Role of Researcher Issues of Access, Ethics, Note-taking One step removed: Key informant interviews, Elite interviews

7 Interviews Unstructured with interview prompts only, narrative interviews of life history, oral histories Semi-structured: Interview Guide with list of questions as starting points Structured with specific questions

8 Questions, Topics, Researcher Traits A. Bryman, E. Bell, J.J. Teevan Social Research Methods 3 rd Canadian ed. Oxford University Press, 2012 Questions: Introduction, Follow up, Probing, Specifying, Direct, Indirect, Structuring, Interpreting Topics: Values, Beliefs, Behaviour, Roles, Relationships, Places, Emotions, Encounters Characteristics of a Good Researcher: Knowledgeable, Structuring/Steering, Clear, Gentle, Sensitive, Open, Critical, Remembering, Balanced interventions, Ethically sensitive, Non- judgmental

9 Generalizing from Readings Lessons for – Interviewing from (Sabot, 1999) – Participant-Observer Research from (Winlow et al, 2001) Checklist again: – Research Question: – Philosophy: – Research Design: – Data Collection Method: – Data Analysis Method: – Sample Size and Representativeness: – Conclusions: – Reliability/Replicability  Dependability – Validity  Objectivity, Credibility, Transferability

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