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Start something inspiring Microsoft Education Seminar Sydney, October 26 th 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Start something inspiring Microsoft Education Seminar Sydney, October 26 th 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 start something inspiring Microsoft Education Seminar Sydney, October 26 th 2005

2 Microsoft Education Seminar Agenda Innovative Teachers Award – State Winners’ Presentations (30 mins) Enrich Teaching with Technology Part I (60 mins) Refreshment Break (15 mins) Enrich Teaching with Technology Part II (45 mins) Charles Sturt University Graduate Certificate ICT Education Information Session (60 mins)

3 Microsoft Education Seminar Dan Isele Learning Engagement Online Coordinator Education QLD, Sunshine Coast Region National Microsoft Innovative Teacher Award winner, Australia, 2004

4 Microsoft Education Seminar Guy Wright Head Teacher, ICT Kingscliff High School Microsoft Innovative Teacher Award winner, NSW, 2005

5 start something inspiring Enrich Teaching with Technology Jo Bonaz

6 Agenda Part One –Microsoft® Student 2006 –Learning Essentials –Max’s toolbox Afternoon tea Part Two –Windows® Media Encoder –Microsoft® Producer –Creating your own training tools

7 Microsoft Student 2006 A multimedia computer with a Pentium 500-MHz processor or faster (1 GHz or higher recommended) Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 4, or Windows XP operating system. Learning Essentials requires Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional SP4 or Windows XP and Microsoft Office 2003 or XP. Minimum 256 MB of RAM for Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 4 or Windows XP 850 MB of available hard-disk space; Children’s Encarta requires an additional 330 MB of hard-disk space 4 MB of VRAM; 16-bit SVGA or higher monitor supporting 800x600 screen resolution (1024x768 recommended) 16-bit sound card with speakers or headphones

8 Microsoft Student 2006 How is Student being used to enhance learning? Utilising Encarta Art history Human potential Playing with learning

9 Microsoft Student 2006 Accessing Literature Guides The Raven Presentations Shakespeare

10 Microsoft Student 2006 Essays and Reports Mother Teresa Creative Projects Advertising anti-bullying

11 Microsoft Student 2006 Visualising with the Graphing Calculator

12 Microsoft Student 2006 Research and Brainstorming Whales Charts and Diagrams Personal Best Foreign Languages

13 Microsoft Student 2006 Maths and Science Chromatography

14 Microsoft Student 2006 Recommended retail price $149.95 (DVD only) Available under Volume License for estimated retail price $9 - $11 (CD-ROM)

15 Learning Essentials –Create your own assessment tasks quickly and effectively –Planning an excursion Teaching templates:

16 Max’s Toolbox Microsoft Windows 98SE, ME, 2000 SP3 or XP SP1 operating system Microsoft Office 2000 SR2, XP SP1 or 2003 Recommended system requirements: Intel Pentium III 500Mhz or higher CD-ROM drive Windows Media Player Sound card and speakers 380Mb available hard disk space for complete installation

17 Max’s Toolbox Max Write –BlendsBlends Max Count –Graphing school travel Max Show –My trip to Symbio

18 Time for coffee… Stretch the legs… up the sugar levels… and see you back here in 15 minutes… to look at how Windows Media Encoder and Microsoft Producer can be used to create training tools for staff and students.

19 Agenda Part Two –Windows Media Encoder –Microsoft Producer –Creating your own training tools

20 Combining Encoder with Producer Create dynamic, self paced, multimedia training tools for your students and staff.

21 Windows Media Encoder Capture and broadcast of audio and video files for dial-up modem and mid-bandwidth audiences using the Windows Media Audio 9 and Windows Media Video 7 codecs –Single stream and multiple-bit-rate content for 28.8 kilobits per second (Kbps) and 56 Kbps modems: –300 MHz processor, such as an Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon –Windows XP or Windows 2000 –64 MB of RAM –Supported audio and video capture device

22 Microsoft Producer Supported Operating Systems: –Windows 2000 Service Pack 3; Windows XP –Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 or Microsoft PowerPoint 2002

23 Blurb that leads into next part of the presentation

24 Thank You Resources and training available from Intouch

25 Microsoft Education Seminar Where to go for more information regarding licensing? –Contact your Computer Coordinator –Contact your Dept of Education (if public school) –Ask our licensing expert, Andrea McDonald –Ask for follow up from a Microsoft Large Account Reseller ( For more resources for teachers, go to –Lesson plans, tutorials, tips and tricks

26 Microsoft Education Seminar What did you think? –Complete an evaluation form, and receive a free set of PC earphones –Download the presentations from this event, as well as all sample files used, from November 17 Watch this space for details of the 2006 Microsoft Innovative Teachers Awards – being announced early 2006!

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