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 Largest community college system in Missouri serving an area of about 700 square miles; created by area voters in 1962  League for Innovation institution.

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2  Largest community college system in Missouri serving an area of about 700 square miles; created by area voters in 1962  League for Innovation institution  Four campuses  Three education centers  Transfer, career and developmental programs  Non-credit continuing education courses  Various workforce development initiatives

3  25,000 credit students each semester  48,000 non-credit each year  28,000 workforce development students  90 credit programs  57 workforce development programs  2,000 faculty  4,000 employees

4  SunGardHE Banner ERP system  Single forest, single domain Active Directory  All administrative, and most student/library workstations are running Windows XP (almost all others are OS X) – 8,000+ desktops  All employees login through AD accounts  All employees have Exchange mailboxes  Growing use of Blackboard  Goal is to eventually authenticate all students through individual AD accounts

5  Students  Many do not have an e-mail account  Many do not update their Banner (student ERP ) information when they change e-mail accounts  e-mail address  FacultyCommunity Relations  Faculty and Community Relations  Want a standard, reliable student e-mail address  Administration  STLCC OneCard ID requires an e-mail account  College wants a way to build an ongoing relationship with, and a means to contact, alumni

6 .edu address to take advantage of specific services and offers  Lots of storage  Works on multiple common platforms  Windows, Mac, Mobile  IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera  Reliable spam management  Effective spam and virus filtering  Personally controlled safe and block lists

7 Students select and use their own e-mail provider No consistency, hard to track, varying reliability, unknown delivery, some students never get one Do nothing Software and storage costs, staffing requirements Use existing Exchange system or a webmail system College domain name and provisioning control In-House “Free” vs. pay-per-account systems Concerns on privacy of data, advertising College domain name and provisioning control Hosted

8  Limited IT server support staffing  Limited help desk support staffing  Limited capital for student e-mail / data storage  Banner is the trusted source for all student info  Already have Exchange infrastructure in place, sized only for employee accounts ( 200MB / 1GB )  Already have district-wide AD authentication in place, DCs were sized for student accounts  Already plan to use Microsoft ILM (MIIS) for student AD account provisioning

9  A set of online communication and collaboration applications hosted by Microsoft  5GB Hotmail (or Exchange) Inbox  5GB SkyDrive  1,000 document Office Live Workspace with SharedView (beta)  Personal web/blog/discussion site and blogging tool  IM, SMS (Alerts), and Mobile access  Works on common platforms (Windows/Mac, Firefox/Safari)  Uses College domain name and branding  Students get a professional address for life  No ads for students in e-mail interface


11  Accounts are for current, registered, credit students  Accounts are created when they register  Account ID created by Banner (3 rd Party ID)  Windows Live account displayed in Banner Self-Service (along with other e-mail addresses)  Student may forward e-mail  Accounts are marked as “Alumni” when student has not registered for three Fall or Spring terms  Accounts will be optional (personal use) at first, becoming the official e-mail address in Fall 2008

12  All Windows Live individual accounts will use the domain name  Windows Live accounts are also to be provisioned for all employees  Employee accounts would be part of the disaster recovery plan – to be used for communication in the event of the loss of our primary data center and Exchange system  The official employee e-mail address will remain the College hosted Exchange server one –

13  Sign-in name (  Birthdate  Offer ID (current student or not)  Temporary (first-time) password

14  ILM 2007 or MIIS 2003  Provides rich directory synchronization  eduExpress  Desktop application for one at a time or batch provisioning  No automatic directory synchronization  Trial or pilot use / infrequent updates  Command Line Application  Entire directory is sent each time a change is made

15  Banner process runs in batch after COB  Create 3 rd Party ID in Banner  This becomes the AD samAccountName  This becomes the Windows Live account prefix  Create Windows Live address in Banner  Import Banner information into Microsoft ILM  ILM provisions AD account and imports changes to metaverse  ILM provisions Windows Live account

16  Add PIDM (Banner unique record identifier) to existing employee AD accounts  Verify AD PIDM entry and display name against Banner student and employee records, make corrections  Load Banner 3 rd Party ID with existing AD samAccountName, matched up by PIDM  Have Banner generate 3 rd Party IDs for all other person records  Add MX record for

17 Identity Lifecycle Manager Active Directory Exchange MA Metaverse CSV File Extract Data Banner

18 CSV Object=Person Display Name Name Given Name Initials CN samAccountName PIDM Birthdate Student ID Status Indicator Metaverse Object=Person Display Name Name Given Name Initials CN UID Windows Live ID PIDM Birthdate “A” number TempPassword Status Indicator Active Directory Object=User Display Name Name Given Name Initials CN samAccountName ExtAttribute PIDM ExtAttribute BD ExtAttribute AID ExtAttribute Status Windows Live Object=PassportUser SignInName Birthdate TempPassword OfferID

19  Some of the “additional parameters” values are required (ignore the “optional” in the manual) :  Language  Country  Birthdate  Timezome  Brand ID  Offer ID  Region code

20  Clicking the College logo presents a drop- down menu of key College web links  College branding appears in mail now, will be extended by Microsoft into other products later

21  Provisioning student AD and Windows Live accounts since January 12, 2008 – the initial run processed 26,089 student accounts  Existing employee AD records were updated to allow Windows Live provisioning  Daily updates of deltas  As of this week, over 38,580 Windows Live accounts have been provisioned  Student overview and help information is at

22  Website with:  Overview  Getting Started  FAQs  Documentation  Signs and Posters  Flyers  Ads in printed schedule  Faculty communications







29  Anywhere Access  Save 1,000+ Microsoft Office documents in one place  Access them from almost any computer with a Web browser  Open and save files directly from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint  No more flash drives or sending yourself documents via e-mail  Share with Others  Invite people to your workspace  You control who can view, comment, and edit your documents  Stop manually merging versions from multiple people  Organize a Study Group  Work together on assignments and share notes from class  Keep a shared schedule and task list for your group


31  The e-mail account will be the official communications channel with students starting with the Fall 2008 semester  Sungard Banner UDC will provide student and employee updates to ILM in near real-time  ILM will provision Active Directory and Windows Live accounts in near real-time from the Banner UDC data stream  New version of ILM provides self-service password reset capability for AD and Windows Live accounts

32  With ILM, it was just as easy to provision AD and Windows Live accounts as it would be to just do Windows Live  CSV file has to be in a folder created by the MA on the ILM server  No hyphens (-) or apostrophes (‘) in Windows Live user names / AD samAccountNames  Multiple support groups at Microsoft  ILM / MIIS  Windows Live Program  Windows Live MA  Windows Live MA Error Message Interpretation

33  Low cost way to offer student e-mail  E-mail is easily branded for the institution  E-mail and lots of other functionality at no cost to the student  Directory integration requires ILM / MIIS

34  STLCC Windows Live Information  Microsoft Live@edu FAQs  Student information on Live@edu (Silverlight)  Microsoft Live@edu Blog

35  Mark Doering (Banner Questions) Manager, Systems and Programs 314-539-5078  Richard Schumacher (Microsoft Questions) Manager, Technology Initiatives 314-539-5351  Presentation is available online at:  Mark Doering (Banner Questions) Manager, Systems and Programs 314-539-5078  Richard Schumacher (Microsoft Questions) Manager, Technology Initiatives 314-539-5351  Presentation is available online at:

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