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Critical Thinking Topic: Fear Contemp Lit 1-15-13.

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1 Critical Thinking Topic: Fear Contemp Lit 1-15-13

2 Chapter 4 Discuss the appropriateness of Equality's new name, “Unconquered.” Name analysis

3 Chapter 5 Equality understands that his invention will benefit mankind greatly; however, this was not his main motivation when conducting his experiments, and it is not his primary source of the great joy he experiences. Discuss. Thoughts (motivation)

4 Chapter 5 In your opinion, why is Equality so interested in seeing his own image at this point in the novel? What emotion is he feeling? Thoughts Actions

5 Chapter 6 The old locks and lack of guards in the Palace of Corrective Detention indicate that prisoners never tried to escape. Why not? EVIDENCE Physical and emotional setting Thoughts Action

6 Chapter 7 What are the reasons why the Council reject Equality’s invention? Physical and emotional setting Thoughts Actions How others view the character

7 Chapter 7 What are the REAL reasons the Council’s rejection and fear of the gift? Thoughts Actions Physical and emotional setting

8 Chapter 7 What does Equality mean, at the beginning of the chapter, when he says, “We are old now, but we were young this morning,” (p.68)? Dialog Thoughts

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