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Presentation on theme: "CRITICAL THINKING TOPIC: SOCIETY Contemp Lit 1-13-14."— Presentation transcript:


2 Chapter 1 1) What is the setting like in Anthem? What does it look like? What are the rules? What time period does it take place? More importantly, how does this affect our main character? Physical and emotional setting

3 Chapter 1 2) Why is writing this book (his journal) such a crime? Thoughts Physical and emotional setting Actions from present and incidents from past

4 Chapter 1 3) Why does Equality always refer to himself as “we” and “our.” Dialog Physical and emotional setting

5 Chapter 1 4) Why are all the people in this community named so weirdly? What end does that accomplish? Name analysis Physical and emotional setting

6 Chapter 1 5) Clearly, Ayn Rand intended Equality to stand out from his “brothers.” Explain how she accomplishes this by contrasting Equality’s physical qualities and character traits with those of his fellow men. Physical description Thoughts Attitude How other view the character

7 Chapter 1 6) What is Equality’s Curse? How might your teachers react if you had this curse? Why do Equality’s teachers disapprove of his curse? How others view the character

8 Chapter 1 7) Why does the Council of Vocations assign Equality the street sweeper job? Does he deserve it? Did they mess up? Or is there a more sinister motivation? How others view the character Physical and emotional setting

9 Chapter 1 8) At this point in the novel, does Equality accept the teachings of his society? If so, why doesn’t he feel shame or remorse when he knows he’s committing a crime? Thoughts Actions Physical and emotional setting

10 Reading Time… Read chapters 2 and 3 Do Djs… Leave your DJ’s out on your desks so I can check them.

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