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Kansas Trauma System Advisory Committee on Trauma

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1 Kansas Trauma System Advisory Committee on Trauma
Regional Trauma Councils

2 Trauma in Kansas: Leading cause of death in Kansans under age 44
MVC and falls account for over 50% of all injury deaths More MVC occur in urban areas (63%) KDOT Most MVC fatalities occur in rural areas (77%) KDOT

3 Ways to reduce the toll of injury:
Prevention services Regionalized trauma systems CDC Injury Report

4 Kansas Trauma System when implemented is expected to:
Reduce number of preventable injury deaths Improve outcomes from traumatic injury Reduce medical costs through appropriate use of resources - Kansas Trauma Plan 2001

5 Goals of the Kansas Trauma System:
Improve delivery of trauma services Encourage provider preparation and response to trauma Increase public awareness & prevention Design an inclusive & comprehensive system Develop trauma education resources -- Kansas Trauma Plan 2001

6 Kansas Trauma Program Emphasizes local control and decision making at the regional level Coordination of activities Data-driven planning and accountability

7 What Is A Trauma System? Characteristics
Regionalized Efficient use of facilities/resources based on unique requirements of the population Emphasizes prevention as part of community health Able to expand to meet the medical needs of the community in times of disaster

8 A Trauma System is ….an organized, coordinated approach to facilitating & coordinating a multi-disciplinary system response to injured patients Seamless transition between each phase of care Involves public & private partnerships


10 Defined by ACS… A network of definitive care facilities that provides a spectrum of care for injured pts. Includes components identified with optimal trauma care: Prevention Access Acute hospital care Rehabilitation Research activities

11 Goal of a trauma system is to…
Match a facility’s resources with a pt’s needs so optimal and cost-effective care is achieved. Integrated with EMS Strives to meet the needs of all injured pts Recognizes necessity for all hospitals Preplanned response to caring for pts

12 Hospitals are classified by levels of service they provide
Level I: Provide full range of range of services and has research responsibility Level II: Similar level of clinical services and community based Level III, IV: General surgery capability, includes emergency services capability

13 Trauma Centers in the United States – ▲ Level I ■ Level II

14 Trauma Centers in the United States – All Levels

15 Kansas Trauma System Kansas Trauma Plan approved by the legislature in 1999 KDHE appointed as the lead agency Governor's Advisory Committee on Trauma provides input Regional Trauma Councils established 2001

16 Role of KDHE: Develop rules and regulations necessary for a trauma system Develop a statewide trauma system plan including regional councils Administer a statewide trauma registry

17 Current activities of KDHE
Administer the Kansas Trauma System Plan Support a trauma registry data system Support Regional Trauma Councils Provide rural trauma education through contract with KHA Develop regional trauma plans Federal Trauma/EMS grant to support EMD training & education

18 Advisory Committee on Trauma
24 member committee representing both urban & rural areas Members are appointed by the Governor Advise KDHE on development & implementation of a trauma system Meet at least 4 times/ year

19 Kansas Trauma Registry
Trauma registry software and support is provided without charge to hospitals Trauma data is required by law to be reported to state registry Aggregate data is reported back to regions

20 Why have a trauma registry?
Resource utilization Performance improvement Injury control & epidemiology Research and education Most importantly hospitals may utilize data for QI/QA

21 Participation of hospitals in national data bank

22 American College of Surgeons .National Trauma Data BankTM 2003

23 American College of Surgeons .National Trauma Data BankTM 2003

24 Map of Regional Trauma Councils

25 Regional Trauma Councils
Cornerstone of the state system Provide input into the state system Provide leadership at the regional level EMS, Health Department, Hospitals are represented

26 Regional Trauma Councils: Mission
Develop regional plans Promote cooperation & support among members Promote education, public awareness Identify trends & pt. outcomes based on data Assure PI to achieve highest level of care Advise the ACT on issues related to region

27 Regional Trauma Plans Designed to facilitate development, implementation and operation of a regional trauma system Template and survey have been provided to regions Staff and limited funding has been provided to region for development of plan

28 Trauma Program Funding
Trauma Fund: line item in state budget Revenue: docket fees on moving violations District court Municipal court

29 Kansas Trauma Summary Kansas Trauma Plan approved
KDHE is the lead agency Advisory Committee on Trauma provides input Regional Trauma Councils are key

30 The Kansas Trauma System needs your involvement!!

31 Kansas Trauma Program Sign up for the trauma program notices specific to your region at

32 Kansas Trauma Program WEB SITE:
Includes up to date information on RTC & ACT activities including minutes etc.

33 Questions???

34 Injury Case Criteria for the State Registry:
All injury related deaths ICD-9 diagnoses code AND admitted to hospital for 48 hours or more OR transferred into or out of hospital OR died during treatment in ED Exclusions: contusions, abrasions, blisters, isolated hip fractures, etc.

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