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Chapter 11 Section 1.  DNA  Proteins  Enzymes  Protein- Large complex polymer that is composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sometime.

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1 Chapter 11 Section 1

2  DNA  Proteins  Enzymes  Protein- Large complex polymer that is composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sometime sulfur- ( muscles, skin, and bones)  Enzymes- type of protein found in living things that changes rate of chemical reactions (eating and running)  DNA – information of life, instructions for manufacturing all the proteins for an organism.

3  DNA- polymer made of subunits that repeat called nucleotides  Nucleotide have three parts: simple sugar, phosphate group and a nitrogenous base.  Oxygen surrounds the phosphate group.  4 oxygen surround the phosphate group.  Nitrogenous base- is a carbon ring structure that has or contains one or more nitrogen.

4  Nitrogenous bases- Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), and Thymine (T).

5  To get a nucleotide you need: A phosphate group bonding with the deoxyribose sugar of an adjacent nucleotide.  Now the phosphate group and sugar of the backside sticks out. On the backside you are going to have your nitrogenous base.  Adenine is always equal to the amount of thymine, and the amount of guanine is always equal to the amount of cytosine.  A-  T G  C

6  Two Chains of nucleotides held together by nitrogenous bases and hydrogen bonds.  These two strands are right beside each other. On one side you have to have adenine (A) and on the other side thymine (T) like a zipper.  These are twisted like a spring called a helix. Since there are two strands it’s a double helix.

7  You are going to have four different nitrogenous bases, which can equal four different nucleotides.  The closer the relationship of the sequence, the more similar the DNA sequences are.

8  Through meiosis an egg is fertilized, while the egg grows through mitosis, each cell has a copy of DNA from the original fertilized egg.  In prophase it makes a copy of its chromosomes. This is completed before the cell duplicates.  When it is making copies of its chromosomes, it makes copies of its DNA, called DNA replication.

9  Without DNA replication, we would only have half of the DNA from our parents. Because of this we could not survive.

10  Each strand serves as a template to make new DNA molecules.  1.The enzymes break down the hydrogen bonds between the bases. Known as unzipping the DNA.  2.Other floating nucleotides will pair up and attach to their base pair by using hydrogen bonding.

11  3.Unzipping will continue until the whole molecule is replicated. Now you have a copy of the original strand.  4.Once the replication is finished genetic information(DNA) will be able to be passed on to different cells/generations through mitosis or meiosis.

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